In Others’ Words: Weather

Beth VogtFun, Life, Quotes 24 Comments

(1868-1930), American cartoonist

We have a saying here in Colorado: If you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes. It will change. (Note: This statement is always said with a certain amount of pride.)

Weather … when all else fails in a conversation, you can always fall back on, “Nice weather we’re having, eh?” Or “It’s sooooo hot. ” Or “It’s sooooo cold.” Whatever works.

And people pick their favorite types of weather. Several of my kiddos like rainy days. My son loves lightning storms. Me? I like windy days — and we get those a lot here in Colorado. Maybe I’ll post a picture of our newly-sided house once the job is complete. We have 90 MPH winds to thank for our new siding.


In Your Words: So … weather. How do you like it?

**Award-winning author Lena Nelson Dooley interviews me over at her blog today — and offers the chance to enter the Wish You Were Here iPad giveaway & win a copy of my novel. Drop by if you want to find out the quirkiest thing I’ve ever done!**


Comments 24

  1. Know what’s crazy, we’ve lived all over the country and everywhere we move the folks have that same saying. Seattle. Ohio. Georgia. Kentucky. CT. It’s one of those universals fun things to hear whenever we begin to take root.
    ~ Wendy

    1. Isn’t that funny, Wendy?
      I hadn’t really heard that saying until we moved here … and we’ve lived as far away as Turkey. Yep. Turkey.

  2. I’m thankful you have new siding–though the process probably wasn’t fun. Hmmm, that may be a spiritual principle. Re. Washington-Oregon weather where I grew up everyone talked of needing duck feet. Minnesota where I live now? Not sure–the weather seems to be moderating and surprising me–and that matters even more now that we’re taking up farming.

  3. My favorite are snow days. The “I have no work to do, my house is clean, I have enough food in the house, I don’t have to be anywhere, my kids aren’t fighting” snow days. I don’t remember having one of those since we moved here, but I can dream can’t I?

  4. I like snow storms, but only when I can be inside, with a cup of coffee, not driving out in it. 🙂 Otherwise, I like all kinds of weather, in their seasons.

  5. I like snow days, Spring days, used to like thunderstorms–all that energy, but now I worry about tornadoes and lightning strikes to my computer. And around here we say the same thing about waiting 5 minutes. lol

  6. I love thunderstorms and blizzards! Both inspire me to write – and I haven’t quite figured out why that is. My sister lives in Aurora, Colorado and the weather statement is true – I’m always amazed at how quickly a storm can roll in over the mountains. Here in Minnesota we say we have two seasons, winter and road construction. 🙂 One of my favorite things about Minnesota is the four (real) seasons – we do them up well! Beautiful, frigid winters, warm & sunny springs, lush, green summers and crisp, colorful falls. Love it!

    1. I agree: four seasons are great! We didn’t experience those when we lived in Florida for 8 years and that’s one of the reasons I like living in CO — although summer is a short season.

  7. Well, we certainly don’t have that saying in Phoenix. Well, I guess the weather changes…from hot to hotter. 😛

    My favorite weather is during what we call “monsoon season”–late July to early August–where we have these awesome rain and lightning storms in the evenings. I love them because it rains, but it’s still warm. I don’t really dig the cold.

    1. I love the lightning storms here in Colorado — although when we first moved here I was initially completely freaked out by them.

  8. I prefer warm, low humidity, sunny. Too many rainy or gray days in a row tend to make me sad. Though I do love a good thunder storm!

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