Collaborating: Embracing the wonderful and the scary

Beth VogtIn Others' Words, Quotes 10 Comments

Art collaboration quote 1.5.15

We’re five days into the new year.

Five days of living with my One Word: collaboration. Wondering what God is going to do in me – maybe even what he is going to do through me – as I embrace collaborating with him for the next twelve months.

I’m reading Finding Divine Inspiration by J. Scott McElroy, a gift from my writing friend and walking buddy, Mary. The word collaboration is woven through this book – appearing on every page, seemingly in every paragraph.

Another word keeps popping up too: obedience.

Hmmm. It’s funny how I’m eager to embark on the wild adventure of collaborating with God. And then … there’s that word obedience. And my heart stalls out. I find myself pausing –mentally, emotionally – and wondering: Well, now, wait a minute. Just what is God going to ask me to do?

Isn’t collaborating me and God doing stuff together? Writing together? A little heavenly give and take between me and my Creator?

I’m certain God smiled when I typed that last paragraph. Maybe he even chuckled as he shook his head and thought: Beth’s got a lot to learn about collaboration.

I do. And I want to learn, even as I realize there’s something wonderful … and scary about collaborating with God.

In Your Words: When has God asked something of you that was both wonderful and scary?

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Comments 10

  1. Great to see you here, for the forst time in 2015!

    Interesting coincidence, because God asked me to do something the other day. I new it was going to hurt,, and it did. And does.

    Had to intervene in a situation and keep someone from being badly hurt or killed. In that I was successful, but my left had is pretty badly mangled, and my right leg does not work too well.

    It was scary, yes. I did not want to do it, no, and went cursing into the breach. But the important thing is turning my head to the reins that God snapped, and doing it.

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      Good morning, Andrew! Great to see you here, too, for the first time in 2015!
      And not surprised to hear you’re living out your value of courage/bravery, and that you’re helping/defending someone else.
      Thanks for the encouragement to be obedient, no matter what the cost.

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  2. Beth, when we adopted our first daughter. I was excited and scared witless. God came through.

    Just finished Catch a Falling Star. Loved it! I am working on a writing project and accidentally wrote “Griffin” instead of the man’s name. You have to be careful reading and writing! Can’t wait to read Somebody Like You!

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