Choosing to Believe in More Than Fairytales

Beth Vogtabuse, Beth K. Vogt, brokenness, Faith, Fear, hope, Life, perseverance, perspective, Quotes, Scripture, suffering 8 Comments

@bethvogt I was the little girl who loved to get lost in books. I loved fairy tales. The magic of them. No matter the dark forests to be traversed or dragons to be battled or evil queens to be outwitted, each story had a fantastical happy ending. The authors of those stories, with their imaginary characters and magical overcoming of …

Choosing to Hear Each Other When We’re Hurting

Beth Vogtacceptance, Beth K. Vogt, brokenness, change, choices, crisis, Friendship, grace, hope, In Others' Words, perspective, Quotes, Relationships, suffering, validation 12 Comments

@bethvogt Get over it. Those three words just may be my least favorite words. Ever.  Quite honestly, I’ve heard the words more than once in my life. Way too many times. Sometimes they’re disguised in the phrase “Don’t be so sensitive.” Three different words – same intent: Get over it. A number of years ago, I shared a struggle with …

In Others’ Words: Wrestling Match

Beth VogtUncategorized 21 Comments

It’s not a question of if we’re going to face suffering. It’s not even a question of when or what kind of suffering we’re going to experience. In the end, it comes down to this: Who is going to win the wrestling match? The suffering? Or you? When I first began to wrestle with the stark reality of abuse in my …