Quotes Worth Remembering from a Commencement Conversation for the Class of 2020

Beth VogtBeth K. Vogt, challenges, change, choices, confidence, courage, dreams, expectations, failure, goals, Life, lifequotes, opportunities, perseverance, perspective, Quotes, success 8 Comments

@bethvogt I attended a graduation ceremony on Monday. It was a virtual ceremony, hosted by actor John Krasinski, via his Some Good News (SGN) YouTube channel. One of the fun things about the ceremony? People were graduating from kindergarten right on up through college, all across the globe. I also loved how, while John highlighted several valedictorians, he opted out …

How Do We Navigate Between Winning and Losing?

Beth VogtAuthors, awards, Beth K. Vogt, challenges, choices, competition, confidence, contentment, expectations, Identity, In Others' Words, perspective, Quotes, success, Writing 10 Comments

How Do You Use Awards to Define Yourself? @bethvogt The first award I ever won was for an elementary school spelling bee. I remember standing in a line with my classmates against the chalkboard. Waiting my turn as the teacher called out different words. Silently spelling my classmates words. Concentrating, letter by letter, as I spelled the word I was …

Three Things to Consider as You Graduate from High School

Beth VogtBeth K. Vogt, challenges, change, choices, confidence, dreams, In Others' Words, Life, perspective, quote about life, Quotes, success 8 Comments

Graduate — and Keep Dreaming @bethvogt My youngest daughter graduates from high school on Friday. Christa is my caboose kiddo. She was born 12 ½ years after my husband Rob and I were finished having children, when her older siblings were 17, 14 and 12. Her arrival was one of those unexpected blessings of life that initially make you think, …

In Others’ Words: 3 Steps to Success for Graduates

Beth VogtIn Others' Words, Life, quote about choices 10 Comments

It’s that time of year: from kindergarten to college, kids are graduating.  And, as every graduating class must, students are sitting through speeches where chosen classmates or invited speakers share wisdom with them. Some of these speeches are culled for sound bites — words of wisdom that end up on quote boards for years to come. Like today’s quote by …