In Others’ Words: The Illusion of Communication

Beth VogtIn Others' Words, Quotes, Relationships 9 Comments

  Have you ever experienced this odd form of  communication where someone has a conversation with you — but forgot to include you in the exchange? You know what I mean: It’s the kind of dialogue between you and someone else, but it takes place entirely in the other person’s head. Things are said — some of them supposedly by …

In Others’ Words: Imagination Will Take You Everywhere

Beth Vogtcreativity, In Others' Words, Quotes 45 Comments

There was a time when I tried desperately to come up with a new story idea. As the saying goes, I had nothing. I played the writer’s “what if?” mind game while I drove around town. While I moved laundry from the washer to the dryer to the laundry basket. While I grocery shopped. While I loaded the dishwasher. While …

In Others’ Words: Still Learning

Beth VogtIn Others' Words, perseverance, Quotes 6 Comments

Attitude changes things, doesn’t it? From our perspective in time, most likely we don’t consider Michelangelo a “learner.”  Being able to look at his works of art, to read about and marvel over his accomplishments, we call the man one of the greatest, most inspired artists of all time.  Michelangelo’s willingness to keep on learning could only help him be …

In Others’ Words: Inspiring Change

Beth Vogtchange, How Gratitude Shapes the Heart, In Others' Words, Quotes 25 Comments

My husband laughed and summed up today’s blog post in two words: Change happens. You can’t argue with the man. January was a month of change for me as a writer. I started on book 2 in my Thatcher Sisters Series — always fun to develop new characters and plot a new story. “Why?” is the repeated question during this …