In Others’ Words: When Moments Become Memories

Beth VogtIn Others' Words, lifequotes, quote about life 9 Comments

I live in Colorado — a landlocked state of mountains. And yes, I love it here. I remind myself on an almost daily basis to look up and see the beauty around me. The sunrises. The sunsets. The Front Range. Pikes Peak. But oh, how I savor a walk along the beach. The sand shifting beneath my bare feet. The …

In Others’ Words: In the Moment

Beth VogtIn Others' Words, Life 8 Comments

Most of my days start with a good 3 1/2 mile walk with my friend Mary. We walk and talk — and we look for “a little bit of pretty,” as we’ve come to call it. It all started when we noticed a wooden bench in a yard we were walking past — a little bit of pretty, even though …

In Others’ Words: Best

Beth VogtIn Others' Words, Life, quote about life 21 Comments

It’s Monday and I’m staring down my week. There’s so much I want to give my best to: my relationships, my writing — me, even, when I think about my health. Sometimes I spend part of one week thinking about what’s going to happen next week. A deadline looms over every day leading up to the due date. I’m living …