In Others’ Words: In the Moment

Beth VogtIn Others' Words, Life 8 Comments

Most of my days start with a good 3 1/2 mile walk with my friend Mary. We walk and talk — and we look for “a little bit of pretty,” as we’ve come to call it. It all started when we noticed a wooden bench in a yard we were walking past — a little bit of pretty, even though …

In Others’ Words: Are You Scared?

Beth VogtIn Others' Words, Life, quote about life, Quotes, Reality 12 Comments

Fear likes to tell us no. No, you can’t (fill in the blank).  No, you can’t learn to dance — you’re not coordinated enough. No, you can’t sing well enough to try out for school chorus. No, you can’t try out for that sports team. What makes you think you’re good enough to compete with those other kids? No, you …

In Others’ Words: Old Nonsense

Beth VogtIn Others' Words, Life 21 Comments

How many yesterdays are you dragging around with you? Such weighty invisibles … slowing us down, holding us back. If I’m looking in the rear view mirror, how can I be aware of what’s happening up ahead? How can I be prepared for the future if I’m mired in the past? The question that has lingered with me all weekend …

In Others’ Words: From Here to Eternity

Beth VogtIn Others' Words, Life, Quotes, Reality 15 Comments

I often talk about my pursuit of the To Do list. I have to admit, crossing things off that thing gives me such a feeling of satisfaction. For that moment in time, I know I’ve accomplished something: met a deadline or finished laundry or made that all-important phone call. But the days — the moments — I’ve stayed true to …