In Others’ Words: Are We Having Fun Yet?

Beth VogtFun, In Others' Words, Life 12 Comments

fun life 2015


It’s been a week …

You know. One of those weeks where you do the work. And sometimes you’re happy with your efforts … and sometimes you’re not.

One of those weeks where you rest … and sometimes you’re up earlier — or later — and you’re tired. Just dragging through the day.

One of those weeks where things go according to plan … or things derail and you stand there and think, “What just happened?”

One of those weeks where the sun shines one day … and it snows the next. (This happened in Colorado. How’s the weather where you are?)

But there was fun in this week. Yes, there was. Laughter. Time for walks with my walking buddy. A few favorite movies — the kind you know the lines to because you’ve watched them so many times, but you still laugh even as you quote them. Conversation with friends. A surprise phone call that knocked me wonderfully off-kilter. Singing “The Wheels on the Bus” with my GRANDgirl because she knows the motions so, so well …


And it’s true: Life is better when it’s fun.

I know not all days, not all weeks, are going to be fun. All the more reason to be thankful for the days that are.

In Your Words: How’d your week go? What kind of fun did you have? Was it planned or unexpected?

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Comments 12

  1. And there are those weeks when something really, really, REALLY awesome happens a good friend…CONGRATULATIONS Beth! A Rita finalist. Your writing deserves it! I am so proud and happy for you. It was the best part of my week.

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  2. I have fun when my closest friends have fun. How about Carol Rita or Rita Carol for your next grandgirl’s name? And I’ll have lots more fun when my suitcase comes–hopefully by midnight–5 hrs. from now. Meanwhile my niece is helping me learn to wrap myself well in a genuine Indian sari so we can wash everything else :). All cameras banned.

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  3. It’s been a good week. I saw a sparkle in my daughter’s eye for the first time since she’s been learning to drive. She hasn’t really cared to drive until this week. And a good friend chatted back and forth with me … I wasn’t expecting it … and she made me laugh so much. And here in Texas, it’s turning just beautiful. Of course, we had a storm the other night that had us biting our nails a bit … hail … silence … hoping for no tornadoes! But loving all the rain, at the same time. You bless me. xoxo

    And oh, yes, congratulations for being a RITA finalist! I’m not surprised.

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  4. There hadn’t been much I could call fun about this week till I spent some time with my grands yesterday. Wiggles and squeals and snuggles and giggles from those precious little ones blow the clouds down the road every time. They are so wrapped in fun and my heart is wrapped around their little fingers… quite willingly.

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  5. Fun and busy week for me. My husband had knee surgery Mar 12, then went to a rehab center for physical therapy. He came home yesterday! Spent majority of week getting house ready for his homecoming as he will be using a walker for a while. Had to move some boxes ( still unpacking from move into house last Aug) and switch sides of our love seat so our dog won’t jump on my husband’s knee. Had our dog clipped for the spring. Restocked the fridge and pantry with food my husband likes to eat

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