Contemporary Romance Writer: Disaster-ed to Death

Beth VogtContemporary Romance, Romance, Writing 8 Comments

Most stories have a certain rhythm to them — I’m thinking of something beyond the basic beginning, middle, end structure. Most stories, whether in novel or movie form, have a bad-badder-baddest structure. In other words, as the story progresses, things go from bad to worse to really, really, really bad for the characters. However — and this is a key …

Contemporary Romance Writer: Today or Yesterday?

Beth VogtContemporary Romance, Reality, Romance, Writing 17 Comments

Historical romance is hot — or so say the publishing pundits. My debut novel, Wish You Were Here … um, it’s set in the here and now. As in Colorado. Today. Did I know readers wanted historical romance when my novel was nothing more than a work in progress? Yes. Yes, I did. Then why, if I was really thinking …