Celebrate! Book Cover for Wish You Were Here … is here!

Beth VogtContemporary Romance, Writing 99 Comments


What a way to start the week!

I’m thrilled to show you the cover to Wish You Were Here, my debut novel with Howard Books (May 2012.)

And, yes, to answer your question, I love my cover. Love my cover.

Bruce Gore, the art director at Howard Books, and his staff were so supportive throughout the whole creative process of designing the book cover. And the final design?

So, so beautiful.

That’s a glimpse of a Colorado sky … and the bride on the cover looks so much like Allison, the heroine I imagined in my mind as I wrote the story. Last week I came across a photo I clipped from a magazine that represented my idea for Allison. When I compared it to the final cover art, designed months later, I was stunned at the similarity.

That little wedding ring dangling from the book title? So, so symbolic.

And those of you who read Wish You Were Here — and I hope you all do! — will discover the significance of the postcards on chapter 1, page 1 … and other chapters after that.

My publisher is linking the cover to different sites this week, so I’ll keep you posted as the cover goes live other places, including Amazon and CBD. But the cover celebration has begun!

In Your Words: How would you celebrate debuting your book cover? Or if you’ve been there/done that, how did you celebrate?



Comments 99

  1. Congratulations! I’d be posting it everywhere! I’ll be glad to post it as well on your guest blog in February – be sure to include the cover jpeg.

  2. So glad to finally see this cover! They’ve done you proud, Beth. And am I ever happy for you that the cover model lines up with the way you envisioned your Allison (since that doesn’t always happen). I didn’t notice the ring at first and glad you pointed it out, and I love the postcards as part of the cover. Well done! Next, to read it… my copy’s already ordered! Blessings and enjoy it all, my friend.

    1. JoAnn,
      Welcome to In Others’ Words!
      Yes, the wedding ring … so whimsical dangling from the title … but so vital. I love the font for my title too. Perfect.

  3. OOO, I like!! Very intriguing. It tells a story of it’s own and makes me want to open the book, which is exactly what you want. Awesome! I was really excited about my first book cover too, and I loved it.

    1. Good morning, Cathy!
      Thanks for stopping by!
      I love the motion of the cover — it definitely captures the story of Wish You Were Here.
      Yes, I’m smiling!

  4. I am so excited!! (please note, Tee, the restraint in !) I know your heart dances every time you see it. Mine would. Beautiful, beautiful cover and captures so well the story.

  5. Yay, yay, yay for you!!! It’s so beautiful. One I would definitely pick up off the shelf. Love it!!

    And I’d celebrate with a pedi, mani, and a night out with my family and/or friends. 😀

  6. Yeah! My favorite part of what you shared is that the MC looks like yours. That is so cool! And I’m all about symbolism, so that little ring…also cool!

    Beth, this is such a wonderful time for you! Hmm. I’d throw a party. That’s what I’d do.
    ~ Wendy

    1. Wendy,
      Well I’m throwing a book launch party May 5 — want to come?
      Until then, I’m deep into writing book #2.
      Maybe I’ll manage a little party …

  7. EEEEE! I am soooo excited for you, Beth! Love the cover. Almost cried with joy for you when I saw the title of your blog today. 🙂

    I haven’t yet considered how to celebrate the debut of my one-day book cover. I’m going to have to watch those who are going before me and make a decision when my turn comes. 🙂 Yes, I’m speaking optimistically. 🙂

    So happy for you, Beth!

    1. Thank you, Jeanne — I hear your feet “Happy Dancing” for me!
      And be optimistic — you’re writing a great story!

  8. Beth,

    Congratulations! I’m anxious to read it.

    Really like the movement on the cover, the freshness, and how her look leads you into the story.

    I think a celebration with family, friends and food would be in order…right after I purchased a frame for the cover. 😉


    1. 🙂
      I wish everyone could see my smiling face as I’m reading all these comments.
      Of course, I should be working on my WIP …

  9. BETH OH BETH!!!

    Woooo-hooooooooo!!!!!!!! It’s ABOUT time!! Oh I LOVE it!! Love, love, love it!!!!!!

    I’m just grinning, though can’t imagine how you must feel!! 😀

  10. Beth, congratulations! It is gorgeous! Even if I didn’t know you this cover would definitely call to me from the shelves! My favorite part is your name, big and bold! So exciting!

    Throw a party and eat lots of cake!

  11. WOOT!!!!!!! (I can use as many as I want, don’t have a TEE to answer to :-D) Lovely & captivating cover, Beth! I too love symbolism though I fear mine is lost on anyone not occupying my twisted mind. I LOVE that they captured so much of yours here! And I love hearing how you & they worked together and put so much thought into making visual the heart and essence of the story. Folks are so visual and that’s so important!

    Celebrate? Definitely chocolate. Wear the cover printed on the front & back of a t-shirt and go to one of those places where they serve chocolate fondue and party the place down. And invite me of course.

    Can’t WAIT for my copy to arrive… 😀

  12. Awesome! I didn’t think my excitement to read the book could be any greater, but the cover ramps it even more! Kudos to the cover design team!

  13. Oh Beth,

    How wonderful it is to see a face with the story! Great cover! Can’t wait to dive past the beautiful cover and headlong into the incredible story!

    Brava my friend!

    1. As one debut author to another, Keli, I know you go over a cover with a magnifying lens too.
      Yes, indeed, seeing my name on that cover is a thrill!!
      Oh, the exclamation points are flying today!

    1. Evangeline,
      You’ve been there almost from day 1, celebrating the highs … and commiserating with me in the lows.

      Love you, E!

  14. That’s so cool that it aligns with your vision and actually references elements from the novel itself. I don’t know a lot about the publishing industry, but based on all the book covers I’ve seen, I can’t imagine that happens very often. Congrats!

  15. Beth, I’m proud of and very happy for you. I’m sure Howard will soon find that producing such a beautiful quality cover is one of the first steps in introducing an up-and-coming author many will read, celebrate, and enjoy.

  16. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is not only a beautiful cover, but it “invites” you to look inside to see what is going on with this girl! I am SO proud and excited for you!!!!! Love you!!

  17. I’m so excited for you. Your progress is encouraging me on as I labor to meet my deadline… Wednesday. I can hardly wait to be where you are… manuscript complete, editing finished, all over but the celebration (and of course, marketing). I am so excited about reading your book. Best wishes on the release and may you sell many copies. I’m rooting for you all the way!!

  18. Beth,
    Whooo Hooo!!! I’m so very excited for you! I love the symbolism with the ring. Can’t wait for my copy to arrive. I agree, order some T-shirts. I’m not a t-shirt kinda gal, but for you….I’d wear it and wear it proudly!

    Blessings My Friend!
    Alena T.

  19. I love the cover! I can’t wait to get my copy…I pre-ordered it. Yup, gonna sit back in my easy chair with a cup of hot Latte and read all day 🙂

    Congratulations! So well deserved.

  20. I am so happy for you, my sweet friend. I remember long long ago you sharing your dream to be a journalist and know you’ve always had a heart to write. I cannot wait until your book comes out. The cover is beautiful!

  21. Dear Beth,
    What excitement to see your debut as a published author on fb today! Even though time and distance has separated our fellowship, it’s still such a thrill to see how God is at work in the Body and with people we have been blessed to cross paths in the past. The cover is gorgeous! Wishing you every blessing and success…can’t wait to look for it for sale and read it!!

  22. I love the cover, and I’m so happy for you! I only started e-reading so for a second I considered getting a digital copy. Then, I realized you wouldn’t be able to sign it, so I’m definitely getting a paperback copy. You’ve worked so hard to get here, and I’m thrilled for you!

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