Every time I read Leo Buscaglia’s quote “Change is the end result of true learning,” my response is always the same. I read it and I think, “He’s right.”
You learn something, you change.
And then I start mulling over the words. And I ask questions like:
- Have I learned a good lesson … or a bad one?
- Have I learned something I wanted to learn … or been forced by circumstances beyond my control to learn a life lesson I’ll never forget?
- Have I changed in unexpected ways so that I no longer recognize myself?
- Have I become a better person because of how I’ve changed?
- Are the changes lasting ones?
- Can I teach someone else what I’ve learned so that they can change too?
And now you know one of the reasons I love quotes: Because sometimes you can take them at surface value and they’re good … but then you read them again, and turn them this way and that, and you discover that a simple quote can really get you thinking.
In Your Words: What’s the last thing that you learned that changed you in some way?
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Comments 9
Every day I hope to learn something new. Otherwise I will grow stale, and that leads to mold. Mostly what I learn is that I am not the center of the universe.
Oh, Pat, I got shoved out of the center of the universe years ago … but you know what? None of the my favorite people were there, anyway!

I learn a bit every day, I hope.
Mostly, that I can extend compassion to the thoughtless, and ascribe casual cruelties (“I wish God would take you”) to stress and misplaced empathy, rather than to malice.
Richard Bach said that flying is a hard teacher…first comes the test, then the lesson. Life is often like that as well.
First comes the test … then the lesson.
And casual cruelties are often the worst because they slip past our defenses and lodge in our hearts.
They sure do, Beth. They sure do.
Great post, and quote, Beth. And the questions you asked after thinking on that quote? Super.
For me, I continue to learn the importance of not being quick to anger, especially with our boys. Sure, I lose my patience, but not as often as I used to. They feel safe coming to me with heart aches and questions, and I wouldn’t trade that for anything. A calm spirit can do much to dissipate anger from another.
Ah, the importance of being a safe place for people — our children, our friends … whomever — so, so important.
I love learning and learning gives lots of opportunities to choose change. Probably recently I’m changing by incorporating more exercise and activity to stay healthy and limber enough for some good walk-about days I’ll soon have in Italy and Scotland (plus gardening work on farm).
Walk-about days.
What a lovely phrase.
And I wish I could do those walk-abouts with you, Dee.