In Others’ Words: Have a Look Around

Beth VogtFun, In Others' Words, Life, Quotes 20 Comments

comedy Mel Brooks 2014rszPerspective makes a huge difference in life. Sometimes perspective makes all the difference.

Here’s the thing though: to gain perspective you have to live through something and then you have to look at that experience and ask “So, what did that teach me?”

I’ve learned that it’s okay to cry when you need to cry — after going through a season in my life when I refused to cry. And I’ve learned to laugh more than you think you need to. Never at another person. But laugh out loud. Laugh with family and friends — and go ahead and laugh when you’re by yourself.

Laughter is refreshing. Healing. It nourishes our hearts, minds, and souls.

And here’s a little bit of comedy a la yours truly — because everybody should have a blooper reel, right? Enjoy!

In Your Words: Looking around your world recently, where have you found comedy, a reason to laugh?

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Comments 20

  1. I have a blooper reel from when I taped the video for the Frasier. Seventeen tries. After a while, it really begins to sound canned. Ended up taking a break and then FINALLY was able to get a decent one.

    Every day I usually say something like, you’ll laugh about this one day. Because a lot of times, if you don’t laugh, you will cry.

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    1. Only 17, Pat? ๐Ÿ™‚ I had about that many too. And for my introductory vlog when I first began my blog? Um, about 36 takes before I got one I liked. Yeah, I’m just slow that way. ๐Ÿ™‚

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  2. It’s been an interesting week. On top of receiving a rather disconcerting medical opinion (You’re gonna DIE! And it’s gonna hurt worse than it does now!) I lost a tooth, to the delayed results of an old injury.

    Well, I took that as a sign, and I suggested to Barbara that she could have the tooth placed in a setting for a necklace…something to remember me by when I’m dead.

    Perhaps I should not have mentioned that while she was drinking Pepsi and perusing Facebook, because I got the screen-clean detail for my sins.

  3. I LOVE that quote! So much!

    Can’t watch the video just yet, but I will a little later in the day.

    Where have I found laughter lately? Um, pretty sure I’ve been laughing at myself the past week or so–and my up and down emotions surrounding deadline. You gotta laugh or you’ll cry…or in my case, I think I did both last week. LOL! But seriously, it is good to be able to step back, not take yourself too seriously, and laugh…

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      We had to stop filming numerous times because there were U.S. Air Force Academy gliders flying right over Sonia’s house. Yeah. Gliders. And the tow plane was noisy.

  4. We have some customers come in the store, and their very presence makes us all stop and smile. That’s the kind of person I’d like to be. (It’s interesting that most of these people are men. Wonder why?)

    Your video made me stop and smile. Thanks for sharing.

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  5. It took me years to learn to laugh at myself, but God blessed me with a BFF who has taught me how to truly laugh. One of my best gifts ever!

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  6. I loved this, Beth. And I laughed. Somedays I feel like my life is a blooper reel, but then my kids do or say something that remind me it’s not. ๐Ÿ™‚

    And those kids of mine? Yeah, they make me laugh on a regular, usually daily basis. They have such a wonderful take on life. They help me get outside myself and laugh.

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  7. Beth, I can always count on my youngest to make me laugh. If she doesn’t say something hilarious, she is laughing contagiously! Veins popping out in her neck! And I love keeping a journal. I’ve been horrible about it recently, but I look back at things the girls said when they were little … and laugh myself silly!

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