In Others: Be More Courageous

Beth Vogtcourage, In Others' Words, Quotes 15 Comments

If at all possible, I like to hang out with courageous people.

  • People who don’t back down from a challenge.
  • People who aren’t scared of the unknown — or, if they are, stare it down with their own brand of moxie.
  • People who’ve been through the worst that life can throw at them and have held onto their faith and their sense of humor — while letting go of all those little things that seemed important, but were merely emotional clutter.

If at all possible, I like to hang out with people who dare me to be brave.ย 

  • People who believe I’m more courageous than I think I am — because then I start believing them, too.
  • People who bolster my less-than bravery with theirs — and make me stronger.
  • People who say “Yes, you are” and “Yes, you can” because the affirmation of friends and loved ones is a powerful force to be reckoned with.

And yes, it’s possible that I have far more courage than I ever dreamed possible. That you have far more courage than you ever dreamed possible.ย Stop and consider that truth for just a moment. You and me … we’re more courageous than we imagined! If there’s anything we don’t want to waste, it’s courage. Think about all you could do if you believed you were more courageous than you ever imagined.

And then act like it.

In Your Words: Who encourages you to be more courageous than you think you are? And who do you encourage to be brave?

In Others' Words: Be More Courageous #quotes #courage Share on X 'Most of us have far more courage than we ever dreamed we possessed.' #quotes #DaleCarnegie Share on X


Comments 15

  1. I’ve reached the limits of brave.

    Life today is just having no choice. I used to feel that I could meet tomorrow’s challenges; then I new that I would be terrified. Now I’m numb. Tomorrow is going to hurt, worse than today, and there is no way (save one, which is unmentionable and not to be considered) to avoid it.

    I wish I could feel something like courage, but all it is now is conditioned reflex, doing what has to be done with a minimum of thought. Because i can’t bear to really think about it.

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        Maybe the reality is we define courage incorrectly at an early age and need to be more honest about what courage is. That it is often laced with fear and doubt — and that bravery is hanging tough in a challenging, scary situation with our knees knocking … and sometimes thinking, “I can’t, I can’t” — and doing whatever must be done anyway. And also that our friends make us stronger.

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      Andrew: Even when you don’t feel brave, you are. And even when you don’t realize it, you encourage all of us that know you (having never met you face to face, to be courageous, too. Praying for you my friend. You are not alone.

  2. You are brave, Andrew. You not only have the kind of courage from your “previous life,” yours is even stronger, the kind that takes a stand with God, immovable, as you take the horrors life throws at you.

    And you’re brave and courageous too, Beth. It takes courage to pour your emotion into those amazing stories. And you have to be brave to walk through those doors marked, “never.” Yet you do it, with God by your side.

    Praying for both of you!

  3. I agree, I believe you are far more courageous than you yet believe.
    I know I learned courage because the option was becoming frozen with terror and inactivity as I saw the heavy boots of whatever situation came to tread my family members down. Watch that enough times and you say, “I’m not wearing your footprints; if I go down, I’ll go down fighting.” Shaking and unsure but determined, I first learned courage for my younger sister and brother, and then for my children. I’m not sure I act with as much determination for myself along but I know how to fight for those I love, and because of that it builds up muscles for ALL battles. Thought-provoking post, Beth.

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  4. Beth, beautiful, empowering post. I have had a number of time when friends imbued courage into me. They helped me take those scary steps forward to face fear, confront hardship rather than cower away from them.

    And Jesus. He is the One who, when He says, “Go,” He also gives us what we need to do just that.

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  5. “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” Anais Nin
    I just read and saved this quote today. I think God is trying to have a conversation with me about courage today.
    And it is my daughter makes me brave beyond measure. I once tackled a twenty six miles bike ride benefitting MD Anderson–on a mountain bike, not a street bike like a normal or intelligent person would. I was quickly left so far behind all the other riders. And let me tell you, being alone on unfamiliar highways riding your bike is scary. I would have stopped and waited for the SAG wagon to come find me if it weren’t from a text she had sent me before the ride. She said she was proud of me and SHE KNEW I COULD DO IT! And there was no part of me that wanted to let her down or prove her wrong. Yes, all the other riders had packed up and headed home when I finished, but thanks to my daughter telling me I could, I eventually got there too. And I had the whole finish line all to myself…I guess that was a perk LOL.

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      You are an extremely courageous person to get3 on that mountain bike and finish that race! I’m cheering for you today — I don’t know how long after you hit that finish line! Brava!

  6. Wonderful, amazing thoughts, Beth. Thank you! I think you’re incredibly brave to have switched genres, especially considering how fabulous you are at writing romance books. You’ve got moxie, kid. (Just imagine a bit of a Bogart twang to that sentence.)

    I am attempting to be brave. God has called me to write a Bible study, and I am digging deep to find the courage it takes to step out into this new-to-me genre of manuscript. Knowing that all that extra time in the Word will infuse me with joy and a deeper, greater-quality relationship with God than I’ve ever before known are awaiting me at the finish line of this book… well, that gives me the courage to find some extra gumption.

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      Andrea — It’s wonderful that you are diving into God’s Word and studying, being courageous and open to Him as He leads you into what He has for you — writing a Bible study. I’m thrilled for you. Talk about moxie, kid! So exciting! God will strengthen your relationship with Him and draw you closer to Him as He opens your eyes to see wonderful things in His Word. (Psalm 119:18)

      1. Beth, thank you for your encouragement! Knowing my friends are rooting for me to succeed means an incredible amount to me. Thank you.

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