There are times when perfection has tripped me up. I’m heading in the right direction, liking where I’m going, and then I convince myself that, not only do my efforts need to be better, they need to be perfect.
Yep. That kind of thinking lands me flat on my face every time.
But then there are the times that I don’t even get started on the things I want to do — the book I’m excited to write or the class I’m excited to teach — because I’m staring down the whole question of “Is it going to be perfect?” And I know the answer is going to be No.
So I procrastinate. I talk about what I’m going to do. I think about what I’m going to do. I wait for the “feeling” to be right … that magical, oh-so-elusive day when “everything, absolutely everything is ready” — including me.
And it never happens.
And I don’t begin. For days and days and days. And what do I accomplish? You guessed it: nothing.
Better to get started and produceย something imperfect with a spark of beauty in it than to do nothing — and never discover what thing of beauty was hidden inside of you. A book. A work of art. A relationship. A ministry. Even the smallest of sparks, you know, can be fueled and fanned into flame.
In Others’ Words: What are you waiting for? What helps you get past the trap of perfection so that you can begin whatever it is that you want to do?
[ctt template=”8″ link=”7sVR6″ via=”yes” ]In Others\’ Words: Are You Ready Yet? #InOthersWords #quotes #getstarted[/ctt][ctt template=”8″ link=”hpT1d” via=”yes” ]\”If we wait for the moment when everything…is ready, we shall never begin.\” #quotes #IvanTurgenev #begin[/ctt]
Comments 7
The only Perfect is Now. There will never be another.
Andrew: This is so true — there is never another now. And now can be the perfect opportunity for our imperfect start.
This….this is me right now. The fear of not doing it right. Not being good enough. It is paralyzing. Thank you for your words of encouragement.
I’m so honored that you joined the conversation today and shared so honestly. I think of all the beautiful art you’ve created and can’t imagine you being afraid to start, but we all struggle with this, don’t we? Cheering you on, my friend, as you begin!
The way I get started is to say over and over: I can’t edit what I haven’t written. That gives me permission to write and not worry about it being perfect. ๐
Pat, I look at it differently…I don’t GOTS to edit it if I ain’t wrote it! Feet up, mind in neutral, here I come!
Such wise words, Patricia — and a good reminder as I begin to edit thousands of words that I’ve written — and that need to be rewritten. ๐