Some things bear repeating. This quote is one of them:
Let whatever you do today be enough.
Too many days are piled with the leftovers of yesterday and the day before that … and I end up going to bed thinking, “I should have done more.”
Dissatisfaction is an irritable bedfellow. He crowds the bed, steals my sleep … and I wake up anything but refreshed.
I always want to do more than I accomplish in a day … and maybe that’s the problem: I misjudge what I can accomplish well in any given day. I don’t know when — or how — to say, “Enough” and then to be satisfied with it.
I want today to be that day. Whatever I do, even if it’s not everything I planned on doing, will be enough.
In Your Words: Take the challenge with me and let whatever you do today be enough. And may you be blessed. I appreciate you.
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Comments 5
What’s helped me be satisfied , especially in the face of a physical condition that allows me less and less energy, is the realization that either everything we do matters – or none of it does.
If God does exist, the work we do here is a small piece of our eternal lives. We’re building one brick on earth, for the enormous cathedral we’ll have the opportunity to build in heaven.
What matter if we fall behind? What matter if we have to redo the mud, or stop and get more straw? We literally have forever, under the benign eye of a Foreman who understands, and will help us whenever we ask.
Have a wonderful memorial Day weekend, Beth!
I love this quote, Beth. Been keeping this perspective since you first shared it with me. My to-do list is always bigger than the time I have in a day. Prioritizing the list, learning to let certain things go till tomorrow (or the day after that)—these are helping me to be okay with what gets done today. And I have peace when I go to bed at night.
Today’s the first day of summer break for my kids, so my productivity will reflect that. But that’s okay. Because they are more important than to-do’s. Have a great day!
I lost my to-do list, Jeanne! I hope I never find it!
Hard for me.
But I’ll try.
Have a wonderful weekend!
I take it easier on myself these days. That wasn’t always the case. A cluttered room could make my heart go into convulsions. I could get so cranky over clutter. Something changed … I’m going to be trying to figure that one out today … not sure what caused the change. Well … I would venture to guess … yes … God!
Blessed by you!