In Others’ Words: Bold

Beth VogtQuotes, Reality 11 Comments

“Laugh at yourself, but don’t ever aim your doubt at yourself. Be bold. When you embark for strange places, don’t leave any of yourself safely on shore. Have the nerve to go into unexplored territory.” -Alan Alda, actor

I like bold people.

Those friends who run ahead of me, then stop, look back and ask, “What are you waiting for? Come on! Catch up and let’s do this!”

Their courage dares me to …

… say yes to that opportunity I would have let pass by.

… stop waiting for someone else to lead out and instead be willing to go first and hope others follow.

… get over my failure because, well, we all fall flat on our faces sometime. But not all of us get back up.

… trust God, even when I don’t understand the whys-and-the-why notย rhythmย of life.

In Your Words: Are you bold? Is boldness an attribute you embrace or one you distance yourself from? When was the last time you were bold?

Comments 11

  1. I am clearly NOT bold but I admire those who are. I have a friend like that – she challenges me to step out a little. It is something I have to plan to do on purpose though. Can I be bold but completely un-spontaneous?
    The last bold thing I did was tell people I am writing stories . . . and then let them read them. AHHH!

    1. Yes, Jodi, you can plan boldness. And telling people you are a writer & letting them read what you’ve written? Very bold, indeed! Brava!

  2. Beautiful post, Beth. ๐Ÿ™‚ I don’t consider myself to be bold, in general, but I have spurts of it from time to time. ๐Ÿ™‚ I like the idea of planning to be bold (like Jodi said), because then I can work up to it! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hmmmm, the last bold thing I did…..beginning to tell people, “I’m a writer.” And sharing my writing/story with others.

  3. I’m selectively bold. ๐Ÿ™‚ Pretty sure quite a few people who know me would call me off-the-charts bold and others would say, “Who, her?”

    Sidenote: love that your quote is from Alan Alda because I’m a ridiculously huge MASH fan. NOT the movie (too crass, can’t stand it) but the TV show. I think it’s one of the most well-written shows ever…and for all his womanizing ways, I just can’t help but love Hawkeye (Alda). ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. I get the “selectively bold” personality, Melissa. Me, too.
      And I love Hawkeye too. He’s a mix of crass and compassion. He’s got a wound, you know? (That’s My Book Therapy writer-speak, y’all!)

  4. I forgot to mention that your pic reminds me of my oldest–always boldly climbing higher than his mama’s ready for. ๐Ÿ™‚

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