In Others’ Words: Books

Beth VogtUncategorized 20 Comments


‘A book worth reading is a book worth buying.’ John Ruskin, English art critic (1819-1900)

The Wedding Dress, by award-winning author Rachel Hauck, comes out in April. I pre-ordered it months ago. I’ve been waiting to read this novel since Rachel first shared the story behind that beautiful book cover as we walked along the streets of Indianapolis during the 2010 ACFW conference.

I’ve recently pre-ordered several debut novels:


Why the pre-orders? Well, yes, I am supporting my fellow debut authors. I know how much I value the support of family and friends for my up and coming debut novel, Wish You Were Here.

But I also agree with the quote: A good book is worth spending money on. Books = investment. First, an investment of dollars and cents. Then an investment of time. And what do you get for your investment? A glimpse into someone else’s imagination. A visit to places you’ve never been before — or maybe a chance to revisit a city or country you miss. Entertainment. Education.

In Your Words: What’s the last book you purchased? What did you get for your money and time?

Comments 20

  1. I’m excited to read Rachel’s newest book. My quandry is, I’m seriously running out of room for books, so I guess my policy needs to become buy and give away. My most recent purchases have been histories researching my WIP. I’m definitely buying yours–my dilemma there? Pre-order to have a.s.a.p.? Or hold out for a signed copy?

    1. Dee,
      Do you think it’s time for an e-reader?
      I love my Kindle.
      This way, I buy some “regular” books and some e-books. I compromise.
      Hmmm … don’t know what to tell you about buying my book. I will always sign a copy for you. One of us will be visiting the other!

  2. So fun, Beth, to think about books, and to think about yours coming out soon! ๐Ÿ™‚ I am definitely buying multiple copies for my friends and family. I think the most recent book I purchased was Baby, It’s Cold Outside, by Susan May Warren. Great investment! Loved the story, and couldn’t devour the pages fast enough. Loved the story and how the characters grew and developed. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Baby It’s Cold Outside — read that one before Christmas. Just finished The Shadow of Your Smile, also by Susie May Warren. I’m now reading Love Lifted Me, but Sara Evans and Rachel Hauck, as well as Deb Raney’s Insight (I know, behind the times on that one!)

  3. I’ve also pre-ordered Katie and Keli’s books, and yours too! ๐Ÿ™‚ I must confess, before I started dreaming about becoming a published author myself, I didn’t really buy books. I have shelves full from the past, but because in the last 5 years we were in a more stringent place in life financially (husband in law school), we started using the library more. Now I’m realizing how much authors need the support and how important that is. Plus, it’s really cool to own a book by someone you know! Also, if it’s a great book, I will read it over and over again. Happy Friday, Beth! Hope you get some good word counts done today.

    1. Thanks for pre-ordering WYWH!
      As far as word count goes, I’ve got about 1k so far today — and going to crank out some more now!

  4. I love buying debut novels and discovering new authors. My most recent discovery was Katie Ganshert. I won an ARC of Wildflowers from Winter on her blog and loved it. When it comes out in May, I know readers will love it, too.

    And what’s the latest book I bought? I just pre-ordered Wish You Were Here, another romance releasing in May that’s written by a talented friend of mine. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’m eager to read it.

  5. The most recent book I purchased was “Love Lifted Me” by Rachel Hauck…yay, good stuff. Excited for her next one – love that cover!! I love how my Kindle allows me to keep up a stock of great books without loading me down possession-wise, though I still buy the actual book from my author faves. ๐Ÿ™‚ And I have certain authors who I always pre-order…

    1. I love the cover too! It’s stunning!
      Yeah, I have a backlog of books in my Kindle … but you’d never know it. They just don’t “stack up” like an old fashioned To Be Read (TBR) pile!

  6. Beth, I just can’t wait to get your debut novel, “Wish You Were Here.” Your support of other debut novelists is such a wonderful reflection of community. Awesome, just awesome. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Oops, just realized the last fiction I bought was Baby It’s Cold Outside, and truly love it so much, I later wished I had bought more as gifts.
    Today I’m preordering Wish You Were Here . . . counting on getting it signed here or there ๐Ÿ™‚

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