In Others’ Words: Cherishing Childhood Memories

Beth VogtIn Others' Words, lifequotes, quote about past and present 4 Comments

Carry your childhood with you

Childhood memories … let’s sift through the good ones today, shall we?

I know for some, the pile of happy memories is small. But we all have a childhood memory or two that we cherish.

  • A day at the beach.
  • An evening around the campfire, savoring S’mores.
  • Wandering the bookshelves in the library and adding yet another book to the To Be Read pile waiting to be checked out at the front desk.
  • Friday night movies with popcorn and rootbeer floats.
  • Family vacations to visit relatives, with echoes of “Are we there yet?”


I don’t know if carrying our childhood with us keeps us from becoming older … but treasured memories have a way of keeping our hearts young. Our outlook hope-filled. Childhood was always about today … and today seemed to last forever.

What a way to live: embracing today … believing in forever.

In Your Words: What’s one of your favorite childhood memories? I’d love for you to join the conversation today and share it with us. Maybe it’s a vacation memory … or a favorite book … or a time spent with a childhood friend … what came to mind as you read today’s post?

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My novel, Crazy Little Thing Called Love, releases today! I’m celebrating with a Beach Bag Giveaway. Enter to win lots of fun stuff worh $200, including:

  • a Nikon CoolPix Camera
  • a Lands’ End canvas bag
  • 2 beach towels
  • a Contigo water bottle
  • a copy of Crazy Little Thing Called Love
  • a copy of Somebody Like Youย 
[Tweet “Celebrate @bethvogt’s new release Crazy Little Thing Called Love! Enter the #beachread #giveaway”]

Comments 4

  1. Hello Beth. So many childhood memories . One favorite is our trips to and from church in the back of our wagons on Sundays, especially at night. We had a big family so always someone to share with. We would jump off the wagon and chase lightning bugs , then jumping back upon the wagon. Also watching the start and when there were clouds, seeing what each looked like. Also getting to go to town on Saturdays with Daddy and momma to visit relatives and buy groceries. We could run all over our little town and look in the stores and visit our friends without our parents having to worry about us like now days. And favorite to me was if daddy had a nickel I would go straight to our drugstore, get on a stool at the counter, and order a big double dip ice cream cone with that nickel. So delicious. Walking to school on country roads and being safe. Small things meant a lot back then. Time spent outdoors playing with friends, not on things like cell phones, games on phones or tablets, etc. Actually communicating with family members by talking, playing board games together, and sharing the days happenings while all gathered at the table. Wish my children could have enjoyed those safer days. So much family time and no techie things taking up all of that time.

    1. Post

      Thank you for sharing your memories today, Maxie. Good reminders that small towns harbor good things: safety, simple pleasures … and that family board games aren’t just about winning.

  2. trips to Natural Bridge VA, playing Monopoly around the kitchen table, eating breakfast in the basement while watching Macy’s parade, reading the Bible- just my sister, my Nana and me, sitting with my Nana in her room and listening to 76rpm records

    1. Post

      Ah, Monopoly … always a favorite board game (and so many versions nowadays). And my family still likes to watch the Macy’s Day parade — and we always tell the story about how my husband’s high school band marched in it.

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