In Your Words: Was Walt Disney right? Do too many people grow up? Have you retained any of your childhood — your childlikeness — despite the passing of years? How do you grow up and still stay young?
How do you grow up and still stay young? Click to Tweet
Growing Up: Was Walt Disney Right? Click to Tweet
Comments 17
I am a completely mature human being.
I sit around and conjugate Latin verbs while reading Proust and sipping tea.
I lie like a rug and cannot sit through church to save my life.
I’ll be spending the next two weeks saying “Yes, Mom…”
Hopefully SOMEBODY mistakes me for a grown up.
I doubt it…
Sorry? There was a question? I CANNOT FOCUS!!!
Could it be that focus issues are because you are focused on a certain amazing trip you’re embarking on?!
Have a blast my friend!
Ah, yes, Jeanne … and I do believe traveling … adventures … keep us young!
How do I grow up and still stay young? This question made me think of a recent weekend in which I had the chance to hang out with all my siblings–in the same room!–for the first time in years. We laughed SO hard at so many things…and I felt like a perfect mix of child and adult in those moments. Such a great feeling…
And too, I think I’m somewhat able to hold on to some child-like aspects because of the season of life I’m in–not married, no kids. It allows me some child-like freedom I probably wouldn’t have otherwise.
I think laughter is the music of childhood.
Interesting post. My childhood was not of the best – I learned to neither like nor trust adults early, and spent as much time as I could roaming the hills and living wild. Those who I met, I fought.
However…Someone led me into an open church door – literally – at 26. I didn’t find Jesus, I didn’t see the Full Gospel, but I found a sense of peace, and something Impish dwelling within both the sanctuary, and within me.
Since I trusted nor respected no one, I was free to CHOOSE to start again, and enjoy life as a child might, smelling flowers and cuddling puppies. I could dance a jig in the street if I so desired – and my yard-wide shoulders and patriarchal beard would discourage criticism.
It’s been a long road, but I’m happy to say that I still feel the stirrings of childlike joy, even now filtered through a rather challenging physical situation. I can’t dance on my feet, but in my heart, always.
And look! there is Someone dancing with me!
How I appreciate your reply, Andrew. Because, yes, not all of us had the best childhoods … some of us would never go back to those years.
But you’ve recaptured childlike joy … something to be treasured no matter what our age.
I stay young by embarrassing my grown daughters in public! I recently climbed in one of those coin-operated rides with my 3 year old grandson. He loved it – his mother tried to pretend she didn’t know me
You can’t take me anywhere!
Oh, but it sounds like they do take you everywhere, Sherry!
I agree with Walt Disney. And sometimes I fit into that “grown up” category. I laugh at the thought that, at fifteen, I wanted to be thought of as grown up. At forty-something, I’d rather have the freedom of a child.
I think I’ve retained a sense of wonder from childhood, the ability to see and marvel at God’s beauty all around me. I’m still playful with the kids. But not always. A desire for more adventure has reawakened within me. I plan to hold onto these childlike aspects of who I am.
Jeanne: You mentioned a strong truth — how so often as children we want to be grown up … and then as adults, we want to recapture our youth.
Ah, the paradox …
Grow up? Why? I want to be a kid forever. lol And in my mind I still see myself as that kid that can climb trees and swing on grape vines and jump on the back of a horse. Now I just do those things in my books.
Thanks for the chance to revisit my childhood, Beth.
Love this answer, Pat!:)
I LOVE this quote. Part of staying young, I think, is just having a learning spirit. Always choosing to get excited about new things, new information, learning new skills, seeing the world in a new way.
I once nannied this family of 4 kids. I took them to this botanical garden once to explore. The only girl in the family (who was around 6 or 7 at the time) couldn’t contain her excitement. She kept running around saying, “It’s SO BEAUTIFUL. It’s so BEAUTIFUL!” She was full of wonder. She wanted to hold my hand and skip through the flowers and just revel in everything around her. (It was indeed beautiful–a spring at a botanical garden is enchanting).
To this day, I will never forget that time. I remember thinking, “I NEVER want to lose such a wonder of the world even as an adult.” So many adults forget how beautiful each small detail of this world is (even in the hardness of life, because life is hard).
I can just see that little joy-fill girl, embracing the beauty all around her.
Oh, I want to be like her too.
Look at the stars. Wonder.
Indeed. Indeed.
Wonder … and be content with not having all the answers.