I apologize for missing Tuesday’s post. I was traveling back from Washington, DC. after spending several days there while my daughter’s volleyball club competed in a tournament.
On the way back, I finished reading From a Distance, a historical romance by best-selling author Tamera Alexander, and the source of today’s quote. It’s always fun to read a good book — one that is well-written, entertaining … and one that makes you think.
This is one of those “You can’t really argue with it” quotes. Oh, sure, it’s important to consider what obstacles you might face when you’re setting your sights on a goal. But you can only focus on one thing at a time: the goal you want to achieve or the obstacles you might run up against.
If you concentrate on what might go wrong, those possibilities are going to loom larger and obscure your view of the goal. You know what else? Brooding about difficulties breeds them. A negative mindset fosters negativity. Yes, I just repeated myself, but it is well worth repeating.
What’s another way to define the word goal? A future accomplishment. Yes, you may have to make adjustments to your original idea of what the finished goal looks like. That’s called adapting … not failing. But if you’re going to focus on anything, keep the end in sight — not the deterrents you run up against along the way.
In Your Words: What goals are you aiming for today — little goals or BIG goals. How have you adapted them so they’re still attainable — and still valuable? How do you focus on your goals and not the obstacles?
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Comments 9
A goal is a future accomplishment! I love that. Thanks for sharing.
Jackie: Thank you for joining the conversation today. Glad you were encouraged.
Yes, I love your quote, too. One goal I’m now committed to that I didn’t think I’d do is rewriting all of my WWII historic novel in 1st person present instead of 3rd person. When a friend suggested that to me, I balked. I finally tried that in 1st person present and past and saw that it works best for me & conveys most action, so I’m now involved in and committed to the process and pleased w/ the results. When the goal is worth it, the process doesn’t seem quite as arduous.
A goal that steps you outside of your comfort zone is so worth pursuing — and I’m doing the same thing with my writing.
Sometimes overcoming the obstacles IS the only valid goal in the moment. Anything else is fantasy; to move forward you’ve gotta be breathing.
There is grace implicit; for the sweetness of survival can elevate one’s aspirations, and save one’s soul.
Andrew: Your goal, day by day, is to live a life of honor — and, at the same time, encourage others. Exemplary goals.
It’s all I have left.
I love that definition of a goal. A future accomplishment. So fitting. Goals I am aiming for today? Well, to rest and to find the treasures God has for me in this season. At the same time, I suspect I will be drawing closer to Him, and that, I believe is my ultimate goal.
Beautiful post today, my friend!
My goal for today is to rest and let the story cooking in my brain jell. That and get over this cold I’ve picked up.