In Others’ Words: Compassion

Beth VogtFaith, In Others' Words, Life 20 Comments

compassion of Christ quote 8.30.13Let’s end the week with a bit of hope, shall we?

And there is an abundance of hope in Lisa Harper’s statement. Compassion encompassing mistakes … even more, Christ’s miraculous compassion obliterating my worst mistake.

So much hope. How can I grasp it?

Sometimes I forget this unfathomable truth. I forget the amazing should-bring-me-to-my-knees reality that I am forgiven. That I don’t have to live with my mistakes. I don’t have to live believing I am some sort of mistake.

When you read a truth like that — Christ’s compassion is greater than my worst mistake — maybe you’re tempted to drag that worst mistake out into the open and say, “Really? Greater than this?!”

But we’re not supposed to focus on ourย mistake. No and no and no. We’re supposed to focus on Christ’s compassion.

What a great way to end the week. Even better, what a great way to live each day: immersing ourselves in God’s compassion.

In Your Words: It’s not about your mistakes. It’s about his compassion. When have you been able to embrace Christ compassion most freely?


Are you focusing on your mistake or on Christ’s compassion? Click to Tweetย 

The hope of Christ’s compassion Click to Tweet


Comments 20

  1. When I see the word compassion, I think “come to passion.” Hmmmm, looking for a word for 2014 … maybe this is it.

    A wonderful way to end the week and start a long weekend. Thanks, Beth.

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  2. Oddly, I’ve never had the feeling that I’m so unworthy that how could God want me. Not that I haven’t done some terrible things – but while they still give me nightmares, I know that God has wiped away the hurt I’ve caused, as He will wipe away mine.

    My metaphor for our recognition of Christ’s compassion would be a lens – that we have the implicit obligation to pass it on, focused through our experiences, and our soul.

    If we don’t – if we just accept Christ’s compassion and refuse to show it ourselves – we’ve stepped into the parable of the servant who was forgiven his debts, and did not forgive those who owed money to him.

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  3. I’ve definitely had to make the choice to believe God had compassion on me before. Usually after I’ve done something that really hurt someone else. When I come to the place where I can rest in His compassion, I know peace.

    Your thoughts remind me of the verse in Psalm 103 that talks about how God casts our sin as far as the East is from the West. What comfort!

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  4. Beth, I love the quote here and the comments posted before mine. Often the world perceives us as judging them. If only they could hear this message: Christ’s compassion is bigger than their worst mistakes, maybe they’d be more willing to come to Him. I’m so grateful for His compassion for me and my mistakes, sins. Thanks for the reminder.

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      True, Roxanne, true. There were probably times in the past when I emphasized the right/wrong message instead of the “his compassion is bigger than any mistake you could ever make” message.
      And there were times — most definitely — when I did that to myself too.

  5. I love this, Beth. I think one of the best things about Christ’s compassion is that when I’ve really grasped it (which I seem to need to do over and over) it helps me be more compassionate to others…and, well, to myself too.

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  6. Most of us get tricked into looking inward and accepting blame. I used to do that much more than now. It helps me to think of Peter looking at Jesus to walk on the water, or looking away, sinking and getting wet, swimming a bit before getting to the top again.

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      We do too often take on blame that isn’t ours, Dee.
      And all the while God is offering compassion, forgiveness, grace.
      But we can’t see it for all the looking inward.

  7. Imagine if one was to burst into the halls of Buckingham Palace, runs full throttle toward Her Majesty, Elizabeth the Second and be grabbed by an army of security. Guns everywhere, we’re down on our faces with knees in our backs.
    Not much hope, huh?
    We don’t deserbve compassion and kindness for frightening the Queen, do we? Nope.
    But then she peels the guards off of us and kneels down and says”Oh my friend, my child, I have been waiting just for you. Welcome home.”
    She picks us up, takes off her ermine robe and wraps it around us. She removes her crown and takes our hand and says, “My child is home. Prepare a banquet, for I have waited just for this day.”

    The day is KNEW I was forgiven and His compassion poured over me, His grace filled my soul, was THAT moment in heaven.

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  8. I don’t grasp it nearly enough. But I’m often reminded of it when I’m called to have compassion on my children–and to realize that Christ’s compassion for me is even greater…more perfect.

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  9. My greatest desire is to be Jesus with skin on. Unfortunately I fall so short of that each day. So I camp out on Lamentations 3:22-23. “…for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning. Great is Thy faithfulness.”

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