Early in December — so last year! — I shared my one word for 2013: Confidence.
And then the so-generous Melanie at OnlyABreath.com made me — and many, many others — a One Word button for their blog/website. So I had to share mine with you today.
I’m not going to go into why I chose the word “Confidence” — you can read about it in my previous blog post titled “Direction.” What I do want to say is this: If you’ve been thinking “Should I or shouldn’t I?” about this whole One Word experience — do it! I’m not demanding or commanding that you choose One Word, I’m jumping up and down and waving my arms and saying, “Hey, come join with me (and, yeah, hundreds of other people) in a life-changing experience.”
I also encourage you to read My One Word: Change You Life With Just One Word by Mike Ashcraft and Rachel Olsen. I just finished reading this book and I plan on starting all over again. Why? Because what the authors did was write a book that helps you dive into your One Word — and embrace your One Word for the next year.
Want to win a copy of My One Word? Read on!
In Your Words: So are you in? Have you chosen a word? (I know some of you have!) Did I finally convince some of you to join the One Word life-changing fun? Leave a comment below for a chance to win a copy of My One Word by Mike Ashcraft and Rachel Olsen. I’ll select a winner on Monday.
Comments 45
My One Word is Loved! And this is my third year doing this, but I desperately want to read this book! We have a One Word, One Day event I’m running on Saturday based on this whole One Word movement. Did you see my FB pics of the crafts? Anyway, I’ll make you something, ok? Thanks for your encouraging comments, Beth. It means a lot that someone as talented and poised as you reads my blog. You’re the real deal and I love that!
Amy, you are so sweet, my friend.
Your blog posts always encourage me. I appreciate your honesty and faith.
I’ve been choosing my one word, for a couple of year now, thanks to you! It’s really helped give my year more focus and remind me how God is working in my life. My word for 2013 is courageous.
Oh, Edie, that word fits you!
I’ve been choosing one word since 2011 when you challenged us to chose a word for the year. My first word was faith, then listen and now humility. And my scripture for this word is 2 Corinthians 4:7- But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the surpassing greatness of the power may be of God and not from ourselves.
I also like:
Romans 12:3–For through the grace given to me, I (Paul) say to every man among you to not think more highly of yourself than you ought to think;
Thanks for introducing this practice to me! And I’d love to win the book!!
Have I ever told you how much I admire you?
And I can’t wait to see how God uses the word “humility” in your life this year.
Thank you, Beth.
I’m wondering how God will use “humility” in my life as well. As you know, when I asked Him about patience, He gave me a book to write.
Mine is acceptance. Hanging w/ Chris. friends who walk commitment like this adds the riches of their journeys, too–synergy–exponential . . . wonderful!
So well said, Dee. I am enriched by the friends I have made through this blog conversation.
My one word is “JOY!” I’m discovering so much of it just by spending extra time in the Word.
That’s one of the things I like about your blog posts, Jessica, is the focus on the Word! (And you do know how Rachel Hauck embraces the word “Joy!,” right?
“Fearless” For one little eight letter word it is a huge undertaking. I SO want to read this book. Jumping in without fear…
Terrific word to embrace!
Thanks to you, this will be my third year focusing on One Word.
Thanks for that, my friend! My one word is PERSPECTIVE. I believe God is going to use it in multi-faceted ways in my life this year.
Glad we live close to one another so we can meet for lunch and say, “So, how’s that One Word going for you?”
Me too, my friend!
How encouraging to read everyone’s chosen words for 2013 above. It is like a long line of glowing candles leading the way.
Thanks Beth for introducing me to this ‘one-word’ way of life. Last year was a rocky learning experience but this year I am excited to grow. My word if TRUST based on Psalm 25.
You know my word for last year was “Trust,” right?
It was so life-changing for me.
Yes, I have a one word! Um, there’s been lots this past week for me to choose to embrace…craziness at work, the realization that I need to slow down and enjoy things that I’ve been rushing through, a new workout regime (oh the soreness!!)…but it’s been good.
And that sounds like a wonderful book!
Thanks to you, I chose my first word-of-the-year in 2012. You’re right, it’s life changing.
I just recently received my One Word button from Melanie. What a wonderful and generous thing she’s doing for the blogosphere. Now, to win that book.
I just heard about it last week, I think from Melanie. I can’t wait to read it and learn more about embracing the word “ponder” in 2013.
Thanks for your excitement and support for word-of-the-year, Beth!
I love the word “Ponder.” I hang with the Ponderers, you know that right?
Love you too, Kim!
This is my first year doing it, and I’m really excited to see how God uses it to change me. My word is rejoice!
You are going to have so much fun with this, Lindsay! I guarantee it — or your money back.

I love your 2013 word, Beth! It’s a clear picture of how we are to stand on the foundation of Christ. Confident hope. Unwavering expectation. I don’t choose one word, but rather one verse for each year. For 2013: “My soul, wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him.” (Psalm 62:5) I look forward to watching your confident journey this year!
You are one woman I love to watch — because your life points me to Christ.
Look — you did it again!
I didn’t think I had a word til I considered what has been on my heart and mind for quite some time. And that is… prioritize.
Not a fancy word but an important one. And a skill that I so desperately need to use and improve on in this next year. Life is so full of twists and turns that without prioritizing, I find at the end of the day, I was only just busy.
I want to make the most of my time on this earth. And that only comes by prioritizing my weeks, days and even hours, being faithful to keep first things first.
Thanks for the encouragement sister Beth!
I like your one word, Mary.
It’s such an impacting one.
Love you, sister Mary.

Let’s prioritize some time together, shall we?
I am definitely in, and I’ve recently heard about this book but hadn’t had the time to check into it. If you’re re-reading it, then it has to be good:) Can’t wait to see what God’s doing this year with my One Word!
So glad you are in!
I’m enjoying your blog too, by the way!
I hadn’t been able to decide what my one word should be for this year until I read your blog. I believe perseverance is the word I should strive towards in 2013. I also have a verse to go with it “Let us not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” Galatians 6:9
Carol: Galatians 6:9 has been a longtime “anchor” verse for me.
Love it!
I would choose Trust as my one word, based on Proverbs 3:5 and 6. I know its sometimes hard to trust God with Everything but it will be my goal for 2013. I have not heard of the One Word concept before, but I am going to share it with the womans group at my church too. I am sure everyone will be blessed with their one word this year!
Yay, Maryann!

My one word is “Purpose”. Not as in finding purpose, but as in resolve or determination. 2013 is the year that I am determined to complete my current WIP and stay the course on putting into practice all that I have learned. I didn’t have a word in previous years, but it seems like last year was “breakthrough” although I wouldn’t have believed that at the beginning of the year.
I would love to win this book. It sounds like a good one.
Thanks, Beth, for all your blog posts. They lift me up each time I read them.
Thank you for the encouragement, Elaine!
Precipice…I’m on one!!! DO I jump and trust God to catch me? Or hang on to what I know and never feel what it’s like to FLY?!
Jennifer, I am all for jumping and trusting God to catch me …
I, however, do not advocate jumping off ledges of our own making … never, ever that.
If God is beckoning, if His voice is clearly saying, “Let go, follow me … farther, deeper …”
Then jump with faith, my friend. He will never let us fall.
I guess I should have clarified that!! Hahaha!!
Yes, I am being brought to a place in my life that I believe, without a doubt, God is saying “Now, we’re here at the edge of what you know , and the beginning of what I KNOW. So, take My Hand and trust Me…and jump!”
I hope I explained it a wee bit better.
Jump away, my friend … you are headed in the right direction!!!
Love hearing how God is working in your life.
And I love you too!
I’ve chosen the word “discipline”. As in, I like to be more focused in many areas of my life. I see discipline as being a good steward of what has provided for me so abundantly.
I like your take on discipline, Milda.
Simply : Trust (in God!)
Bless you, Beth.
And you, Ganise. And you.
Well, I didn’t have the pleasure of reading your original broadcast of the one-word thing, but God decided he wanted to give me a word this year and so I’m clinging to it happily.
I’m determined to rekindle my JOY of things this year with Jesus help! My JOY of writing, my JOY of being a mom, my JOY of being a wife, my JOY of being a follower of Jesus. so many times I get bogged down in the “have to’s” and the stress and hardness of life, that I forget to find and cling to the joy that is in Jesus.
So, that’s my word.