In Others’ Words: Decisions, Decisions

Beth VogtQuotes, Reality 24 Comments


“I make a decision, and if it’s wrong, I make another one.” ~ Dave Ramsey, American financial author, radio host, motivational speaker

Every time I read that quote by Dave Ramsey, I have to take a deep breath. I mentally step back and think, “Dave, you are one gutsy guy.”

The guy makes a wrong decision and just … makes another decision? He doesn’t stand there and think, “I blew it. Big time.” He doesn’t labor over his should haves and could haves.

I knew I liked Dave Ramsey. (Yes, my husband and I follow a lot of his financial advice,ย cash envelopes included.) If you know Dave’s story, you’ll know he’s made mistakes. This financial guru once filed forย bankruptcy — but refused to let that part of his story be “The End” of his story.

He doesn’t let the wrong decision be the final decision.

In Your Words: How do you react when you make a wrong decision? Does it grind you to a halt or push you forward — on to the next decision, and the next?

** I found this quote in a recent blog post byย Michael Hyatt “The One Essential Habit of Every Effective Leader.” Well worth your time. **



photo by gerard79/

Comments 24

  1. It would do well for me to post that quote on my bathroom mirror. I tend to be more of the ‘freeze before you make the decision because it might be the wrong one’ type. It drives my husband nuts:)

    1. Jodi,
      I agree. I intend to print this quote out and post it over my desk for the very same reason. Sometimes I drive myself nuts! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Great quote and post, Beth. Dave Ramsey’s response reminds me of yet another difference between men and women. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m not certain, but I suspect that women tend to be the ones who beat themselves up more over decisions they regret. Of course, I haven’t asked my husband about that theory. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I need to adopt Dave’s response. In the past, I’ve second guessed decisions, and let myself become paralyzed by the should haves and could haves. I am going to make this paradigm shift in my thinking through decision. When I make a wrong decision I will purpose to make another decision. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Here’s my conundrum: putting off making the decision in the first place. ๐Ÿ™‚

    But seriously, great quote, and from someone who has made a difference in many people’s lives.

    1. Melissa,
      True, true.
      So … any thoughts on how to make yourself make that first right or wrong decision? Worth discussing.

  4. I definitely fall into the “beat-myself-up” category. But it would definitely be empowering to let go of that anguish and just move forward once I’ve realized my mistake. Maybe someday!

    1. Wendy: I knew I liked you. Now I know one of the reasons I like you is because it’s OK to make mistakes around you. And it’s OK to say “I’m sorry.”

    1. Heather: I like your take on Dave Ramsey’s quote: You don’t have to get completely lost just because you made a wrong turn!

  5. If I’d let wrong decisions grind me to a screeching halt, I’d be stuck somewhere back in my Tumultuous Twenties. In regard to writing, I’d have given up after my first manuscript. We have to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and forge ahead after setbacks, or we’ll never get very far in life.

  6. “He doesnโ€™t let the wrong decision be the final decision.”

    That is 100% brilliant, Beth. You need that to be your quote. “Don’t let the wrong decision be the final decision.” Wonderful wisdom from Beth. What a great reminder to get back up and keep trying!

    1. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks, Katie.
      I actually had another blog post ready for today … and then I read Michael Hyatt’s blog post from last week and found Dave Ramsey’s quote. I had to start the week with his truth! Life changing.

  7. My husband and I are a walking testimony because of the Dave Ramsey principles. And even our kids are on the plan. My 7 year old just asked me how much was in his spending envelope because he needed to know how many books he could buy at the school book fair (which by the way was one of my favorite times at school).

    Excellent quote. Thanks!

    1. We’ve taught our kids some of Dave’s principles too, Jessica. True story: My husband gave me one of Dave’s books for Christmas several years ago.The older kids were holding their breath thinking, “What is mom gonna think of getting a book about finances for Christmas? Dad is soooo dead!”
      But, hey, any guy who can talk money and make me laugh at the same time — I’ll read his book!

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