In Others’ Words: A Wealth of Dreams

Beth VogtIn Others' Words, Life, Quotes, Reality 18 Comments

The poor man is without a dream. Kemp. 2014

I’ve had this quote in the Draft section of my blog for several years. Yep. Years.

Sometimes a quote strikes me in an “I like it” kind of way and when I try to write my thoughts about it, the words stutter to a stop on the page.

I’ve got nothing.

But I decided to pull this quote out of limbo and use it because I love the truth woven in the words: We need to dream. Dreams enrich our lives.

And no, I am in not overlooking the very real problem of poverty in this country or the world.

But I’ve discovered something in recent months: people have lost sight of their dreams.

Maybe circumstances so overwhelmed them that their dreams were shoved out of their life. Or if they just got tired of waiting for their dream to come true and gave up. Or somehow, someway they lost track of a dream … or maybe that dream came true and was a disappointment. Somehow hidden in the dream was — surprise! — doing the work of keeping the dream alive.

Here’s what else I’ve discovered: My heart achesย when someone says they don’t have a dream.

To me, that is unimaginable — and I wanted to figure out some way to help them find their dream again.

I’ll repeat myself here: Dreams enrich our lives. They help us discover more — about ourselves, about others, about the world, about God.ย Reaching for dreams stretch us into who we are meant to be.

In Your Words: What dream are you dreaming? How has a dream or dreams enriched your life?

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Comments 18

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  1. I don’t talk about my dreams – I’ve had long experience of having others verbally hack them to pieces, starting from childhood. To admit to them makes a vulnerability, and that I do not like.

    I’d agree that dreams are necessary, because they provide an animation to our souls that lifts us up in other areas. We’re generally better people when we are in pursuit of a dream, because hope lifts everything.

    I don’t know if dreams have enriched my life. Right now, they provide the obligation to keep going when circumstances say, quit. “Obligation” because they were the aspirations of a more hopeful Me, someone to whom I owe much…and the least I can do is try to keep his stuff intact on the chance that he may one day return.

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      I’m sorry others verbally hacked your dreams to pieces, Andrew.
      And yes, sharing our dreams with others makes us vulnerable.
      And I am thankful that you haven’t forgotten that more hopeful You — he deserves attention. And caring. And dreams.

  2. This week as I prepare for conference, my son prepares for interviews. He’s a senior in college and the interview process has begun.
    He needed a new suit for five interviews tomorrow. (Unlike his mother, the weight he’s gained is all muscle.) As we shopped in the men’s department for a charcoal grey suit, I was so proud of him and the hard work he’s put into the past three years of college.
    I took a moment to reflect. I’ve worked hard the past few years to begin a writing career. I’ve taken classes and attended two conferences. And I’ve written, edited, and written again.
    This week Scott and I will both move forward to pursue our dreams.
    If you have time to include us in your prayers we’d appreciate it. Because we dare to dream.

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  3. Lifting you up for favor with editors and agents this next week, Jackie. Andrew, lifting you up, too, that God will put someone in your life this week to encourage you in your dreams!

    Beth, I can’t imagine not having a dream. I can remember when I was five years old, sitting for the first time in our new INDOOR bathtub that wasn’t a galvanized tub in the kitchen. Mesmerized, I watch water run from the faucett and decided right then and there my dream was to always have running water. ๐Ÿ™‚ Instinctively I knew it was something that wouldn’t be just given to me, but that I would have to work, invest myself, in my dreams. Thanks for the memory! It will probably become a blog post on my Strictly Southern posts!

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  4. As always, I love your posts and your reminders, Beth. I gave up dreaming when the depression got worse. I wonder now which came first … depression or lack of dreams. Or maybe that’s what depression is. I often thought and sometimes still think, “What’s the use?” I’ve been afraid to revisit my dreams until recently, and now messages about dreaming and flying and succeeding are showing up everywhere. I think gentle nudges from God, letting me know it’s time. Thanks for being a part of it.

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      Your ponderings have a lot of truth woven through the words, Kim — not that I’m surprised.
      Which comes first: depression or lack of dreams.
      I don’t know โ€ฆ but both break my heart โ€ฆ and my spirit.

  5. One of the things about dreams is that you do have to know when to quit, when they take more than you can give, when what you thought was a God-given dream was really a fantasy of the world.

    I think I hit that moment this morning, while reading Janet Grant’s post on the use of strong verbs on the Books & Such website.

    On seeing the examples she gave (and those that were posted in the comments) I realized that I can’t write like that – I can’t even see to write that well.

    It may be time to see the reality, to know that whatever God made me to be, it’s not a writer. And to close the laptop and walk away.

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      I don’t know โ€ฆ
      is that you or the exhaustion talking?
      And I know too that exhaustion is a daily companion in your day.
      Your writing touches me — and others — in the comments section of this blog and others โ€ฆ so I wouldn’t say you’re not a writer.

      1. It’s some pretty profound blood loss, mixed with exhaustion…and seeing what seems like a touch of the divine in writing that I just can’t achieve.

        It’s like the difference between Monet and Sisley. Friends and painting companions, yet Monet’s visual language has a spark that Sisley just fails to achieve (and I really like Sisley’s work).

        I was really thinking more in terms of writing fiction, in my discouragement. I’ll be here, and on other blogs, as long as there’s something constructive I can contribute, as long as what I can share can be any help whatever.

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  6. Thanks for the prayers everybody.

    Andrew, you inspire so many people on different blogs you visit. I’m praying for you.

    Pat, I can only imagine the thrill of seeing running water for the first time.

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