When you look ahead, what do you see?
Do you see your goal? Where you’re headed, what you want to accomplish, the finish line … You may not be able to say, “The end is near” but can you close your eyes and see whatever it is you’re working for in your mind?
Or, when you look ahead, do you see nothing but trouble? Have all the things that could go wrong, all the naysayers’ negativity and doubts, become obstacles that have slowed your step or, even worse, caused you to stop moving forward?
Sometimes we can lose sight of our goal — whatever it is we want, wherever it is we’re going — because the obstacles loom larger. Closer. We stop believing in who we are and in what we can accomplish. All we see are the can’ts and the don’ts and the shouldn’ts. Our lack of expertise. Our lack of time.
By keeping our eye on the goal, we remember why we started. All the reasons we should stop fade away when our focus is on why we’re headed toward our goal.
In Your Words: How do you focus on your goals and not the obstacles that always appear in front of you when you’re trying to accomplish something?
In Others' Words: Focusing on Your Goal http://bit.ly/2x39Atv #quotes #goals Share on X 'Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal.' Quote by E. Joseph Cossman #obstacles #goals Share on X
Comments 6
The obstacles are the true goal, because even if we don’t overcome them, they refine our hearts when we make our perfect effort.
Beth, if I might leave a PS – being at a point where achieving goals is kind of unthinkable doesn’t mean I can quit. The effort is more important than ever, and fidelity to the process defines and reinforces my faith. Fated to lose, I have already won it all.
The journey is indeed the destination.
Andrew: Your perspective on life has truly been refined by your circumstances and your vision is more clear than most.
Andrew: Such a great perspective, my friend.
One benefit of years is perspective. Experience shows that many things we’re tempted to worry about don’t happen, so why waste the energy. Peter on Galilee is a great model of learning to keeping our eyes on the goal or at least temporarily go under for a while and go blub, blub.
๐ Dee: I always, always appreciate your perspective on life.