In Others’ Words: Impossible

Beth VogtQuotes 34 Comments


“Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.” ~John Heywood, English writer

So many days ahead in 2012 … so many plans.

We distill our “want tos” down to resolutions. Or a word. Our dos and don’ts for the next 12 months.

And yet, for all the planning, we can only see so far along the road stretching before us. We can see up to the first bend in the road … and no farther.

What waits around that curve? Will it be what we’ve hoped, planned and prayed for? Or will unexpected circumstances veer us into new directions? There’s no way to know until we take the next step forward.

Planning will only get us so far into 2012.ย But committing our hearts to our dreams — and staying the course despite the disappointments and heartaches that surely will come our way — such is the catalyst of change.

In Your Words: What dreams are you pursuing in 2012? How have you set your heart to say “yes” to nothing less than achieving those dreams?


photo by Cieleke/

Comments 34

  1. Good to have you back, though I’m respectful of the time commitment this takes.
    My word for year is, “having done all, STAND”–if I stay the course w/ that, and follow Him, I should be able to accomplish major goals.

    1. Such a motivating, focused phrase, Dee. And it’s so good to remember you have someone walking with you — walking ahead of you — along the path.

  2. My dream is to have a faith-filled focus for 2012. How’s that for alliteration? I have business goals for my home-based business and goals for my writing. I’m praying daily for God’s blessing on those goals and His direction. I’m clinging to faith in His promises, His protection, and His provision. Keeping my eyes focused on Him reminds me nothing is impossible for God.

    1. The comments today are reminding me that are hearts are committed to so much more than our dreams … and that we do not walk the path alone.

  3. I am pursuing a couple dreams in 2012…but my biggest pursuit will be loving Christ and loving others in a bigger way than I have before. And how I’m setting my heart toward that is through a commitment to quiet time with God, some specific “love”-related goals…and, yes, planning. I also want to take a no-holds-barred, maybe even risk-taking attitude toward love…crazy love, Francis Chan-style.

    In case I’m sounding a bit too I’m-so-spiritual, I should probably point out that this year I’m also pursuing my dream of seeing Needtobreathe in concert…no matter how far I have to drive!

    1. Ah, M-Tagg,
      You always make me think … and smile. All at the same time.
      Crazy love.
      I’m in.
      And let me know how that concert goes.
      Unless it’s in CO. Then you can stay at my house — and who knows? I may just come along with you.

    1. Wendy,
      You mentioned my word for the year: trust.
      And I fell asleep last night clinging to that word last night. It won’t be the last time, either.
      We have to believe in our dreams — and trust them into the hands of the One who loves us.

  4. We are pursuing adoption. And I am pursuing a career as a published author. Disappointments are inevitable. But like you said, I’m committing to chasing after these two things despite the disappointments, as hard as I can, unless God tells me to stop.

    1. We’ve adopted twice. Disappointments are inevitable, but so is seeing God’ faithfulness in the journey, if you look for it. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ll be praying for you, Katie.

  5. I also suffer from a butterfly mind, which seems to flit here and there at a whim. My word for 2012 is cling, and my verse is I Thessalonians 5: 21, Test all things, cling to that which is good. I’m clinging to God’s path, promises and provision.

  6. I like the idea of saying yes despite whatever may come. This year, I want to become a better writer. I want to write more novels to improve my skills, and I want to get my stuff in front of agents just to see what happens. Writing is about taking risks, and there’s definitely going to be rejection–there already has been. But that commitment to move forward makes me think my word for the year should be PATIENCE…or something having to do with moving slowly but steadily toward my goal and being OK with waiting if I have to.

    1. Lindsay,
      You are so wise to know that being a writer is all about “becoming” a writer and that it involves both forward motion and a lot of patience … waiting, waiting, waiting …
      Eager to see what doors God opens for you this year.

  7. My word this year “perseverance.” The Greek definition means “a hopeful looking toward the future without regard to the circumstances.” 2 Peter: 3-9: “Everything that goes into a life of pleasing God has been miraculously given to us by getting to know, personally and intimately, the One who invited us to God. The best invitation we ever received! We were also given absolutely terrific promises to pass on to youโ€”your tickets to participation in the life of God after you turned your back on a world corrupted by lust. So don’t lose a minute in building on what you’ve been given, complementing your basic faith with good character, spiritual understanding, alert discipline, passionate patience [perseverance], reverent wonder, warm friendliness, and generous love, each dimension fitting into and developing the others. With these qualities active and growing in your lives, no grass will grow under your feet, no day will pass without its reward as you mature in your experience of our Master Jesus. Without these qualities you can’t see what’s right before you, oblivious that your old sinful life has been wiped off the books.

  8. Hmmm, for 2012. I’m pursuing understanding how God wants me to live out my word for the year: passion. I’m pursuing being a wise wife and mother to our two growing children. And, I’m going to say it: I’m pursuing finding an agent once I complete my first ms. Loved your thoughts today, Beth. Loved the quote too.

    1. Jeanne,
      I’ve loved your 2012 word since you first mentioned it: passion. Looking forward to seeing it fully embraced in the upcoming months.

  9. My dreams for this year? To follow wherever God wants me. I know that sounds fluffy, but I’m dead serious. I’ve set so many goals that focused on myself in the past that I want to just lay them all down this year.

  10. After some thought, I feel 2012 for me will be about serving the Lord and trusting Him. I hope to finish my third book and submit it to an agency, head to Slovakia on a summer mission trip, and maybe even teach art again. ???

    I don’t know, but one thing I do know is that a Christian’s life is never complete without serving the Lord in some capacity!

    Blessings to you and a Happy New year!


  11. Thanks, Beth, for another great post. It was also inspiring to read the other’s comments. What an awesome bunch of readers and friends you have!

    I’ve set a new plan in motion, for both writing and study of the craft. That’s what’s happening on this side of the “bend,” which is all I’m concentrating on. My word for the year is “believe,” based on “Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished.” Luke 1:45

    Another word God has been speaking to my heart, for several years now, is LOVE: Love without judgement. (I was big on the Judgement part, so it was a blessed relief when God sort of patted my hands and said, that is My part to deal with. Yours is just to offer love and compassion.)

    Wishing (hoping and praying) for you in this blessed New Year!

    1. Patti,
      I appreciate you joining the conversation.
      I also value your insights about love versus judgement — and how God graciously reminded you that your part is to offer love and compassion. A needed reminder for all of us.

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