In Others’ Words: It Ain’t Over …

Beth VogtIn Others' Words, Life, Quotes 11 Comments

It ain't Over 1.21.15

My kiddos grew up hearing certain phrases, certain Vogtisms, if you will. One of them is: There’s always room for one more. 

Translation: Go ahead and invite someone else over for (insert holiday here) dinner. We’ve got plenty of food and plenty of room.

Another Vogtism is: Vogts don’t quit. 

Translation: You join the swim team — you’re on the swim team for the duration of the season. Decide to go out for dance? You’ll dance all the way through to that year’s recital and take your bow with everyone else.

There’s something to be said for learning how to sticking it out for the long haul — whatever “it” is — a sport, a project, a problem. I’m not saying that once that sport season is over that you sign up for swim team again — or ice hockey or track — if you hate it. I’m not saying you take on another quilting project if you feel like quilting is just a math problem with material. (Not that I would know anything about this.) And I’m not saying that once you work through a particular problem that you get back in line and ask God to “Bring it on again!”

When it’s over … it’s over … but when it ain’t … it ain’t … and don’t quit.

In Others’ Words: What have you learned by living the wisdom of Yogi Berra: It ain’t over until it’s over? What helps you not quit?

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With thanks to my friend, author Patricia Bradley, for sharing this quote by Yogi Berra with me. Pat is the author of the Logan Point romantic suspense series! Check it out! 

Comments 11

  1. I had the same philosophy with my two kids about not quitting. And when I was assigned to a mail route with the post office and it got really tough my husband gave me a wooden plaque to take with me that started with the phrase “Don’t Quit……” I no longer work for the post office but I still have the plaque!

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  2. I have a couple of strategies that help me keep going – and they are quite prosaic.

    First, there’s accountability. There are people who have helped me, and who care about what I do, even when things go badly and I really DON’T care about it. Having to face these folks and explain that I quit would entail a loss of face that I would prefer not to endure.

    Second, there’s time management. One has to do SOMETHING, and if I would quit, say, writing, what would I do? The time would have to be filled somehow…so I may as well keep writing.

    Third, if I quit I would have to tidy things up, both literally and metaphorically, and I find endings rather depressing. It’s easier to keep going, in that respect, than to stop and face an unpleasant task.

    These sometimes work when the spiritual reasons, the imperative of the moral lesson, and the moto posters fall short.

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  3. Good friends and prayer partners are what keep me going. I also helps to listen for those little confirmations from God throughout the day — you know, posts like this one!

    Thank you for your part in helping me persevere, Beth. You’ve encouraged me so much throughout the years, not just day.


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  4. A good example of me having hope and not giving up is working on my WIP, reworking it, polishing and then repolishing. It’s been a good exercise and I’ve seen my skill and grasp of story grow.
    Not to be contradictory, but in some areas I’m seeing that there are some unfulfilled dreams or relationships I am meant to give up on. That it’s kind of like “beating a dead horse.” My consolation is that I’ve given some of them everything I had, so there’s the definite comfort of having no regrets.

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      You bring up a good point: Knowing when to walk away. When to say enough. When to say “This is not my passion, my sweet spot, my corner of the world to shine and reflect God to the world.”

      Wise words.

  5. Since I’m having “a morning” with one of my littles, the first thing that came to mind was my way of completing this statement: “It ain’t over . . . until the boys go to school.” Then, I can rest, recalibrate my soul and breathe a little easier. Okay, I have digressed.

    What have I learned? That continuing on isn’t always easy (in fact, rarely), but there’s satisfaction that comes from completing something. Also, I must not dwell on the thought, “What if I quit?” Because I’ll find reasons to do so. Instead, I set my mind on what I need to do to finish well.

    I’ve learned that depth of character, as well as contentment and confidence result from finishing, persisting until, “It’s over.”

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