In Others’ Words: Live Well

Beth VogtIn Others' Words, Life 16 Comments

Cherish quote 8.2.13It’s been a week.

A good week … but one of those fasten-your-seat-belts kind of weeks.

And I don’t know about you, but it’s Friday and I’m feeling all “Whew!” and “Whoa!” and “When can I have a nap?”

And then it came time to write this post. And I’m thinking: Which quote do I pick? How do I want to start the conversation with my friends?

I browsed my cache of “one day I want to use these” quotes — and my heart stopped on today’s quote.

It reminds me: Yes, it’s been a week, but:

  • I am blessed with life-giving friends.
  • I know what my guiding truths are — and I’m embracing them as never before.
  • My passion is fueling my dreams — and allowing me to hang out with other passionate people. So. Much. Fun.
  • Life is full — filled to overflowing!
  • And I am choosing to be well … to not let an ongoing health challenge define me.

In Your Words: It’s Friday. How ya feeling?ย 

“Live Passionately, and Fully and Well.” Click to Tweet

Life = Friends, Principles, Passion Click to Tweet

Giveaway: Celebrating Book Clubs, Readers & Romance! Click to Tweetย 

Comments 16

  1. Well said, and you do. With a move imminent, and an emergency trip to Canada, it’s still like playing dominos skillfully. China cabinets moved tonight so my current home can be staged for sale by weightlifter former student–check. Handyman installing new bathroom vanity top and carpets shampooed Mon.–check. Tues.–all day at next house, hopefully w/ helpers. It’s challenging, tiring, almost too much, except God’s saying things like, “the greater the irritations and struggles, the larger and more lustrous the pearl.” And, “Easy lives produce little interest.” I don’t like boring, never have. So like you will embrace, trust, and rejoice.

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  2. It’s been a week filled with news of difficult things happening with friends, with prayer, and with tears. BUT, God is in it all, and He’s working His plans. It’s been a week where I’ve had the privilege to pray for friends as they walk some dark valleys. I have a mixture of sorrow and anticipation in my heart on this Friday. God is good. And He is enough.

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  3. “I know what my guiding truths are–and I’m embracing them as never before.” I LOVE this, Beth. For the past few months I’ve been bogged down with the mudslide of our culture and it started to hinder my hope. God (and my husband) have been reminding me that I’m to look up and to focus on Jesus and the truth He has placed in my heart. It’s easy to let our hearts be troubled. But Jesus said: “Take heart, I have overcome the world.” I know what my guiding truths are and I’m going to embrace them as never before. Thank you for the reminder that it’s the only way to live fully.

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      Gabe, it is easy to let our hearts be troubled, which is why I love the verse that reminds us that if we set our minds on God, he will keep us in perfect peace. (Is. 26:3)

  4. I’m so glad for the blessings of your week!

    How am I feeling? Tired.

    Several weeks ago pain medication became a nonstarter, for a couple of reasons…which merely left the pain.

    The doctor I was seeing declined to offer any medication-free guidance to controlling pain – she just didn’t bother calling back.

    Without a lot of options I decided to start exercising again, with an initial goal of being able to make the BUD/S entry PT qualifying standards. (That’s the school where the Navy trains SEALs.)

    Kind of counterintuitive – “Hey, I’m in pain – let’s see if I can hurt WORSE!”

    Funny thing is that it’s helping a lot in other ways – like building self-respect. With chronic illness and pain, it’s easy to lose sight of who you are, and who you can be. Illness becomes your life.

    Now it’s only a part of my life. Sure, I spit blood after every workout…well, during them, too. But I’m at the goal I set, and onto the next one – operational fitness. A bit harder – and maybe out of reach for a fiftysomething who is trying to do what most twentysomethings can’t.

    But why not try?

    I am tired!

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  5. What wonderful words to remind me of my many blessings, Beth. I woke up yesterday was Tuesday. SO glad I woke up today with the realization that it’s Friday. A weekend full of writing awaits. LOVE.

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  6. Choosing to not let an ongoing health issue define you is quite a challenge! Great for you, Beth! With Christ, all things are possible. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I am feeling content today. Catching up on some sleep and hearing from God on a few things lately will do that for a person.


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  7. How in the world did I not see this for 2 days?!?!?!


    I loved what you said about not letting “an ongoing health challenge define me”.
    There is very little that is actually right with my body. I have everything from arthritis to thyroid disease to permanent, and extremely painful, nerve damage.
    But I know my limits, and I check them as I go out the door, then I go merrily on my way.
    When my Mom and I were in Europe, she asked me how I was going to handle my feet when we trekked through Rome one day. I smiled and said “We are in ROME! Who cares about the feet! Yeah, they hurt, but they’ll hurt anyway, no matter what. Let’s make sure they hurt like crazy because we climbed the steps of the Colosseum!”

    I’m starting to act like Andrew. Which is a good thing.

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