In Others’ Words: Living Expectant

Beth VogtIn Others' Words, opportunities, Quotes 4 Comments

Big Opportunity 2017

How often do we look for our big opportunity somewhere out there — expecting the thing we’ve been waiting for to show up tomorrow, or next month, or even next year?

With a “somewhere out there” focus, what kind of right-here-right-now opportunities do we miss? The danger? Being so intent on tomorrow’s possibilities we overlook what’s happening today. Lessons to learn.Relationships to invest in. Virtual doors to knock on or even walk through to see what’s waiting on the other side.

Opportunities can happen anytime, anywhere — yes, even today, right where you are. Are you living expectant? 

In Your Words: How can you live expectant today, ready for an opportunity here and now?

[ctt template=”8″ link=”5DG2d” via=”yes” ]In Others\’ Words: Living Expectant #quotes #opportunity [/ctt] [ctt template=”8″ link=”Dr8bh” via=”yes” ]\”Your big opportunity may be right where you are now.\” #NapoleonHill #quote[/ctt]






Comments 4

  1. The big opportunity we have, and the one we need to reaffirm every day, is that Christ’s torture and death atoned for our sins,and bought us a ticket to Heaven.

    Theologians will debate the question of ‘can you lose salvation?’ to the Second Coming and beyond; they’ll probably be talking so much that they won’t realize that The Dude Has Returned.

    I figure it this way; the knowledge and understanding of the true cost of salvation has to be taken afresh every day; like manna, it’s perishable, and we can end up taking Jesus for granted.

    THAT is not much of a plan.

    1. Post

      Such a wonderful perspective, Andrew, because, yes, we can lose sight of that life-changing truth. We lose sight that we are living an eternal life every day.

  2. I’ve lived long enough that I know opportunity lives in the here and now, as well as around every corner, so I walk forward looking for it with an expectant smile on my face and find it quite regularly.

    1. Post

      One of the reasons I am thankful for our friendship is because of your expectant outlook on life — and how your attitude influences mine so positively.

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