So often we talk about yesterday.
And really, while we can savor the past … or learn from the past … there’s nothing, absolutely nothing, we can do to change the past.
And so often we talk about tomorrow.
And really, while we can plan or dream or “what if” our way all the way through the next 24 hours, there’s no way we can do anything about tomorrow until tomorrow arrives.
Now is all we’ve got.
And how we spend our “nows” — the choices we make, the words we speak or don’t speak — become our mark upon the world.
A beautiful, memorable mark.
Or a scar.
In Your Words: How are you spending your “nows”?
Comments 21
For a long time I lived in the future, dreaming of when I would be published and not enjoying where I was. Then I realized my future wasn’t in my hands, but His. I didn’t stop dreaming, but I did start enjoying where I was in the process.
Great Post and I’ll see you tomorrow!!
Hoping to scratch out a few marks that are beautiful ALL because of Him.
Love that thought, Wendy. He makes everything beautiful in His time, yes?
My nows are spent using words to minister to others. I’ve left a scar or two that I’ve regretted, but learned from those to use my words to build up instead of tear down.
Agreed, Lisa.
I’ve learned from my misspoken words to pray for God to put a guard over my mouth.
A beautiful and simple truth! It is surprisingly hard to live in the moment when the past and future can weigh you down with regrets and impossible expectations. To me, living in the now is about constantly seeking the One who is writing my life story and being obedient to the way he moves in and through me. ๐ great post, dear Beth!
Thank you for stopping by today, Amy.
And yes, it is good to remember that Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith.
Today I’m spending my now literally preparing for tomorrow (thrilled), while also doing my best not to be weakened by regret from things not accomplished, or not accomplished well, yesterday.
Some days are like that, Dee.
Caught a little in yesterday, even as we move on to tomorrow.
God’s grace covers us yesterday, now, and tomorrow.
Love this, Beth. I want to get better at focusing on now. It’s easy to think big about the future…think of all the marks I’ll make in an eventual “then.” But what about the marks God can make through me now, today? Good reminder!
I know you are making some life-changing “now” marks — your words in your blog often encourage me!
This is beautiful and thought provoking, Beth. Thanks for always giving me something to think about.
Have fun at the retreat!
I like to share what I’m thinking about … and hope others join the conversation.
Boy howdy, do I love how Ann Voskamp’s soul-deep words have marked the world. What a great quote to share, Beth. During Lent, I’m walking through her new DVD series based on One Thousands Gifts. And I find that you have something in common with her: grace. Your words. Your encouraging heart. Your Christ-filled mind. Amazing grace, Beth. Yes, you are.
I am reading your comment after a long day of traveling as I prepare to participate in a MBT writers retreat. Your words encouraged my heart. Thank you, sweet friend. Thank you.
For the past four Friday evenings, I’ve been going to meditation classes–spending my ‘nows’ trying to get in touch with my ‘now’. Simple meditation, breathing, moving meditation, singing bowls…one more class coming up. I’ve found it enlightening and discovered some useful tools for quieting down the world’s noise and focusing on being present in the present. As always, good thoughts, Beth.
Would love to join you in those classes. They sound so restful.
Been thinking about this lately…about really embracing each day, making a mark. Thanks for the reminder to keep me thinking positive.
Thanks for joining the conversation today!