In Others’ Words: One Word Wisdom

Beth VogtIn Others' Words, Quotes, stress 10 Comments

One Word Wisdom 2017


I handle stress different ways.

Sometimes I go for a walk — my stress level determines how far I go.

I might watch an episode or two of Dick Van Dyke. Sure, the TV show is in black and white, but nobody does comedy like Dick Van Dyke and Mary Tyler Moore — not to mention Rose Marie and Morey Amsterdam.

Other times I talk the frustration out with my husband. Or with a trusted friend.

I also anchor my emotions to the Truth, rather than allowing them to toss me around like a load of wet laundry in the dryer.

And then there are times I have to remind myself to breathe. It sounds simple, doesn’t it? I mean, breathing is automatic. We breathe every day, all day. But just because we’re breathing doesn’t mean we’re doing the inhale-exhale process correctly. Ever heard of hyperventilation?

So when you see that simple word Breathe, the subtext is do it right, do it in a way that nourishes your body and mind … and your stress level will decrease.

In Your Words: I’m offering two questions for our conversation today. Take your pick — or answer both. What do you do to lower your stress? How would you fill in this blank? The wisest one word sentence? ________________


[ctt template=”8″ link=”8l6e2″ via=”yes” ]In Others\’ Words: One Word Wisdom #quotes #justbreathe [/ctt] [ctt template=”8″ link=”Q6fc0″ via=”yes” ]\”The wisest one-word sentence? Breathe.\” #justbreathe #quotegarden[/ctt]





Comments 10

  1. OK, I’ll have a go.

    I handle stress by saying to myself, it don’t mean nuthin’…not a thing.

    The translation is that I am far too hard for anything to rile me…including the brown recluse bite I got today, on the leg. Hurts like you wouldn’t believe and the leg’s swollen but I’m still on my feet. The arachnid is a LOSER. I am not.

    And the wisest one-word sentence? Easy, it’s “Execute.” As in, “3…2…1…EXECUTE!”

    It’s the signal to get things done, now. Though I should say, for accuracy, that the real world command is repeated twice…

    “Execute, execute, EXECUTE!”

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      Andrew: “It don’t mean nuthin’ … not a thing.”
      I like that. Just thinking that brings a smile to my face.
      What I don’t like is your being bitten by a brown recluse. Praying for healing, my friend.
      And “Execute.”
      That works for me too. Even the repeated version. 🙂

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  2. Great post, Beth. My One Word a couple years ago was BREATHE. I had gotten to a place in my life where stress seemed to overtake me. My breathing was always, always shallow. I had to learn to slow down, to pray more, to say no to unessential things in my life. And to be more intentional about taking are of myself.

    To relieve stress, I sometimes take a walk, close the door to my project room and spend time alone. sometimes I color and listen to worship music for a little while. Sometimes I escape into a story via book or movie. Always I pray.

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      Jeanne: It’s amazing to me how breathing wrong can be so unhealthy — at times, downright dangerous.
      And yes, I’ve tried coloring, too. I didn’t like coloring as a kid. Felt like I didn’t do it right. Now? I relax. I like these grownup coloring books — of course, I always select the ones with words, as well as images. 🙂

  3. Great reminder! Pray, walk, read. Those are my stress relievers. And if I do them in that order – pray and invite God in, go for a walk and listen to what He has to say, return and read some scriptures that He will direct me to – it is powerful antidote to stress. But after reading your post, I am reminded that before I can do this, I must stop and BREATHE so that I have the right perspective on how to handle the stress.

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  4. I’ll go with “Remember” all the ways the Lord has helped me before and brought me through and out of scrapes. When I review those occasions I see that countless times He has brought me to places where I could quickly heal with more wisdom than I had before and usually with increased ability to help others who may experience the same or similar things.

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