In Others’ Words: Perseverance

Beth VogtFun, In Others' Words, Life, quote about life, Uncategorized 30 Comments

It has been an interesting week.

I could share all the details, but trust on me on this: It has been an interesting week. Now “interesting” is a vague word, I know. Do I mean interesting-bad or interesting-good?

Well, yes. Yes, I do.

One of the interesting events of the week was getting this blog up and running again. For that oh-so-good accomplishment I thank Matt Jones of Jones House Creative, who is now managing my website. When I finally meet Matt face-to-face, I just may kiss his feet — but at the very least, I am going to give him a ginormous hug!

And I do apologize for the odd test post that showed up in your inboxes yesterday. Just a little blip on the “interesting” radar screen.

I had some fun posts planned for this week. Guess what? They’re all moved to next week! As today’s quote says: We’ll get there some day.

In Your Words: How’s the course of life running for all of you? I missed our conversations this week. I hope you have a chance to stop by and chat today.

Comments 30

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  1. Let’s just say things are looking up. Pretty sure I cried so much this summer I shed half my eyelashes out of one eye. Mascara doesn’t go right on that one anymore. It’s been an improved fall. Praise God!

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  2. Beth, the blog is lovely. And LOVE that Milne quote above.

    Also, very interested in WENDY above! Always glad when things look up for my writing peeps!

    For me, still waiting…funny how so much seems to hinge on a book submission. I’m moving forward, writing something else, but still that submission is waiting…waiting…

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  3. The course of my life has had some unexpected surges over the rocks in my river. I find myself grateful for things I normally take for granted, and learning to be patient with myself when I don’t accomplish as much as I think I should be. ๐Ÿ™‚ Love seeing you back, Beth!

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  4. Love this quote. Always amazed by the wonderful insights of A. A. Milne. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I was sick this week so that was a bit of a roadblock… especially because I had just gotten started on my next book when the big bad virus struck me down. But we press on, no matter what. And sometimes we have to slow down and look around before we miss the scenery rushing by. ๐Ÿ™‚ Love you, Beth Vogt! Have a wonderful weekend!

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  5. Love A.A. Milne’s quote. Winnie the Pooh rocks!

    So glad to see you back, Beth. The Jones House team is awesome!

    Let’s see…the course of life? Yes, I think perseverance describes it perfectly. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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  6. So glad to have you back, Beth! This has been an exciting year for me, and that makes the not-so-good moments easier to take…like the bug I had Sunday and am still recovering from. Yes, life is about perseverance…and enjoying the journey.

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  7. I missed you this week!! I did come here thinking maybe your blog just wasn’t showing up in my feed. Glad you’re back up and running. My life is running at breakneck speed right now and I feel a bit like I’m drowning. Trying to lean back and relax, let the river carry me, but I do have moments of panic now and then that threaten to pull me under. I’m hoping it gets better after this weekend!

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  8. That is a fantastic quote. I have to say I subscribe to the river mentality. Yes, I’m busy and sometimes I don’t even know where to begin but then I pick one thing and then keep on keeping on. But now I’m going to picture that river–it’s extra soothing.
    Hope your weekend is great Beth!

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  9. Beth,

    Missed you this week! Glad to see you back – and flowing with the currents. I’ve been in NaNo/WriMo mode so I’ve felt a bit like I’ve survived the rapids, but I’ve survived and come out more than 50,000 words into my next book! Woot! And there’s probably a blog post in that whole concept – what do we end up with when we survive the ride???

    Now gearing up toward a delicious (in some ways, quite literally – massive bakefest coming soon to the Doughty kitchen!) Christmas season with our loved ones. I’m pulling out EVERY box of Christmas stuff we own and going through it this week, putting up what we want to keep, getting rid of what we don’t. The pre-Christmas purge. Okay – that didn’t sound right. The Christmas Cleanse. Nope. The Christmas-is-going-to-be-awesome-this-year. Yeah. That works just fine.



  10. You came back!!!!!

    This week has been INSANE. I completed a re-finishing project for a charity auction. My house stinks of Varathane.
    Writing is going, one word at a time, and I am reminded to be thankful in the little things.

  11. I did miss your posts this week and said, “Huh?” when the radom post came yesterday:)

    My week started rough, thirty-five sixth graders, twenty-nine of them boys, in music class because they didn’t choose band. They don’t want to sing. But God is good. The rest of my week when great. I teach in a great district with wonderful children. The best part, only fifteen more working days until Christmas vacation, yey!! I am resting in the HOPE of this season.

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  12. Hi Beth!
    I read your posts often, but don’t always stop to chat. I look forward to your messages.
    We’ve been helping with our grandchildren since July so my time has been more scarce than usual, and I’ve missed so many of the MBT events. Boo-hoo. I try to read their posts when I can, too.
    Our good news is that our daughter and her husband bought a house three doors down from ours and moved in today. How exciting is that? I never thought I’d have the privilege of living so close to my daughter.
    It’s a good day!

  13. “Do I mean interesting-bad or interesting-good?”

    “Well, yes. Yes, I do.”

    I love this! It seems to describe most of life. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I think I could sit all day and look at the photo you posted and read the quote over and over. I really want to believe I’ll get there some day, no hurry. So comforting. Very, very comforting.

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