I’m in North Carolina this week, teaching at the Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writers Conference. So, pardon me if my post is even shorter today than usual … it’s already after midnight on the East coast!
I do love this quote by Abraham Lincoln (and I also love photographs of trees). When I read this quote the first time, I thought: What kind of shadow am I casting — and does it reflect who I really am?
In Your Words: What kind of shadow are you casting — and does it reflect your character? Who are you really –and is that who people get to see?
What kind of shadow are you casting? Click to Tweet
Do you let people see the real you? Click to Tweet
Dr. Heath Parker, of Catch a Falling Star, is hijacked … um, is visiting Just Write, Eryn Newman’s blog today. Come on over & find out a bit more about Dr. Parker!

I’m celebrating the release of Catch a Falling Star with a Facebook Party on June 4 & a giveaway! I hope you join me and enter the contest!
Comments 6
The shadow a tree casts depends on its relationship to the sun. I also love the fact that the heighth of a tree is equal to the depth and stability of its root system. Though unseen, that root system is vitally important. If not equally developed, the tree may blow over in any kind of wind storm. So as trees we want to reach up, to Him, and send roots down deep, into Him, drinking in His life and producing fruit. Selah–“pause and think calmly of that.”
Wow, I really like that quote. I hope my shadow is one of grace and kindness. I LOVE how Delores took this even further. When my roots go down deep in God’s word, I’ll be stronger and more stable during life’s storms. Thanks, Beth. And Dee! 🙂
Love this, Beth, and it really made me think. Love Dee’s and Jeanne’s thoughts too…I want to be rooted in the right place, stable from the roots up…and when all that is firm, the shadow is going to be a lovely thing rather than a shaky or insincere thing. If that makes sense… 🙂
Hope you have a wonderful time at Blue Ridge!
So agree with your post and all the comments. I’m not sure we’ll really know this side of heaven how far our shadow casts…hoping and praying that when I get to heaven there will be so many more that I introduced to Jesus by my life than I realize.
Two weeks ago, there was a birthday party thrown in my honour. My friend handed me a stack of 52 envelopes. She was aiming for 50, but got several extra.
“These are memories from those who know and love you.”
Yes, I was thrilled. And terrified. Would it be like when Herb Tarlek was on TV and everyone had to say the same scripted, insincere thing?
When I sat down, in private, to read them all. I cried like a baby. To have evidence that I am loved is one thing, to see and read that I have influenced people and improved their lives? Utterly and completely humbling.
That’s a beautiful idea, Jennifer. Thanks for sharing.