Christmas can get awfully crowded — filled up to overflowing by a busy schedule. Things to do. People to see. Presents to buy and wrap. Cards to address and mail — or maybe design online and email. Traditions to be kept or begun.
And somewhere in the midst of all the doing, we want to remember the reason for the season . . . the “why” of it all . . . the “who” we are celebrating.
What if we didn’t confine Christmas to a single month, but rather let the celebration overflow to all the days of our lives? What if “The most wonderful time of the year” became our theme song and we celebrated God-with-us every day. What if “peace on earth, goodwill toward men” wasn’t just sung about in Christmas cantatas, but rather influenced our relationships with others?
I’m wishing you a joy-filled Christmas today … one that shows up in your life a little at a time, all through the coming New Year.
In Your Words: How would your life look different if you took Christmas a little at a time, all through the year?
[Tweet “”I sometimes think we expect too much of Christmas Day … ” #InOthersWords #Christmas #expectations”] [Tweet “In Others’ Words: Taking #Christmas a Little at a Time #focus #quotes”]
I’m part of a wonderful group called The Grove, with several author-friends … well, we’re more like sisters, really. We’re having a GROVE GIRL CHRISTMAS GIVEAWAY. Go go to this Rafflecopter form to join in the fun for a chance to win these prizes:
- A signed copy of From the Start by Melissa Tagg + a $10 Amazon gift card to find something special just for you.
- Signed copies of The Butterfly and the Violin and A Sparrow in Terezin, both by Kristy Cambron with a beautiful bookmark to hold your place in these great books.
- Signed copy of Where Treetops Glisten by Cara Putman and candy cane ornaments because the heroine makes those in the novel
- Signed copy of Paper Hearts and a hot off the press ARC of Change of Heart, both by Courtney Walsh
- Signed copies of Amish Christmas at North Star and The Art of Losing Yourself, both by Katie Ganshert
- A signed copy of The Bronte Plot, by Katherine Reay
- A signed copy of The Curiosity Keeper, by Sarah Ladd
- A signed copy of Crazy Little Thing Called Love plus an e-novella Can’t Buy Me Love, both by Beth Vogt
[Tweet “Love #Christmas? So do the @theGROVE_story girls. Join their MASSIVE #giveaway. #amreading…”]
Comments 2
Let the Christmas observance and tender-heartedness fill every day of the year? Now THAT’S a good idea!