In Others’ Words: The Serious Business of Joy

Beth VogtIn Others' Words, perspective, Quotes 13 Comments

I often expect to find joy here. Now. 

And then I’m reminded that joy is other-worldly.

Oh, sure, we can catch glimpses of joy in our lives here on earth. As we love and are loved by others. And I always, always hear echoes of joy in the laughter of children.

But the love and grace and forgiveness of God provides joy that lasts longer than today or tomorrow. And there are days … many of them … that I need to remember this truth.

Joy, abiding joy, is God-given. 

In Your Words: I prayed for each person who would read this post. My prayer is that you would experience an extra portion of joy today as a blessing from God. What brings you joy?

[ctt template=”8″ link=”Ii_ee” via=”yes” ]In Others\’ Words: The Serious Business of Joy #quotes #perspective [/ctt] [ctt template=”8″ link=”HR6h7″ via=”yes” ]\”Joy is the serious business of heaven.\” #quotes #CSLewis [/ctt]



Comments 13

  1. Beth, first, I love the quote from my dear friend, Clive Staples Lewis. What a gifted chap!

    My joys now are fierce; a few hours ago, in the midst of taking care of the dogs (Barb was having muscle spasms in her back, related to an old car accident), I had to run outside and deliver a Technicolour yawn to the sage…carrying a LOT of blood, the fresh and bright-red kind. (About two cups, for those who might be medically inclined, and yes, I did get a rough measure.)

    The joy came in rising slowly to my knees, bracing my feet upon the God’s good and solid earth, carrying on in my duties. Lightheaded, yes, But also, in a very real way, lighthearted, because…

    …I ain’t dead yet. Death can go and do things that are, well, anatomically impossible, to itself. I intend to live.

    Reminds me of a verse by John Dryden:

    “I am sore wounded but not slain
    I will lay me down and bleed a while
    And then rise up to fight again”

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      I know your joy is firmly set in doing your duty here with great courage and trusting in God’s grace day in and day out.
      May His joy surround you today.
      Praying for you.

  2. Simple things bring me joy such as seeing my cat waiting for me in the window when I get home from work, getting a letter in the mail, or having someone confide in me.

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  3. I have great joy in that my son and his wife and two children now attend church with us each Sunday. They are becoming involved in more things of faith and that gives me such happiness and peace.

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