In Others’ Words: The Time Thief

Beth VogtIn Others' Words, lifequotes, quote about choices 8 Comments


Time thief 2016 FINAL


I would dare say everyone is guilty of procrastination at one time or another.

Of course, there are people who just put things off things once in a while, and then there are the big-time procrastinators who have perfected “not now” and “l’ll get to it later.”

And at the time … putting off the responsibility, the job, the task, the person, seems fine. After all, we’ll get to it later, right? In an hour. Or tomorrow. Or the next day.

But do we?

Maybe. Maybe not.

What we are doing is developing a habit of hesitation.ย Instead of moving ahead … instead of trying and yes, maybe running into an obstacle that we have to figure out … we hold off. We let time slide. How many minutes, hours, days are wasted by our mental loitering? It all adds up, doesn’t it?

In Your Words: What helps you avoid procrastination? When have you regretted putting something off?

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Comments 8

  1. I seem to be getting worse at this instead of better so am making a renewed conscious effort. I do save certain “people” tasks for when the grandkids are home and do the “must concentrate and not be interrupted” times when the house is quiet. Except I have to remember NOT to check FB or other sites for a quick break that turns out to be a longer one. ๐Ÿ™‚

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  2. I think I’ve grown numb to the word “procrastination” because I hear it often, so having it presented in a different light is helpful. Next time I’m tempted to put off something I’ve promised myself I’ll accomplish now, I’m going to think about “the habit of hesitation.” A different perspective makes all the difference. Thanks, Beth.

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      You are so welcome, my friend.
      A different perspective helps me, too. That’s one of the reasons I enjoy quotes so much. They provide me with other people’s perspectives.

  3. I like the habit of hesitation remark. Last time I procrastinated was last week about writing blog posts, then had to do them Sunday afternoon. ๐Ÿ™‚ Procrastinating now…And thanks for the band aid on the heart remark last Thursday!

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