In Others’ Words: Value — Guest Post by Author Julie Coleman

Beth VogtFaith, In Others' Words 25 Comments

Julie Coleman and I have been friends, well, it seems like forever. When we met, my husband was in medical school and both Julie and I had young children. Julie’s nonfiction book, Unexpected Love, was released by Thomas Nelson this past February.



I am no diva.

On a shopping trip in Chicago with my cousins a few years back, we wandered into a chic makeup boutique. Noting the glamorous women browsing the store, right away I knew I didn’t belong there. But as I tried to stay inconspicuous so as not to embarrass my cousins, a makeup artist swept over. It was as if I had a bull’s-eye painted on my forehead. She wanted to give me a makeover. I tried to explain that makeup wasn’t a huge part of my daily routine. A face like mine would be a waste of her time.

She insisted.

I felt sorry for her. She seemed so nice and sincere, so desperate to please. So I put myself into her hands.

The woman worked wonders. My eyes looked brighter and my face younger. I wrote down every product she used to perform her magic. Then I went shopping.

Please note: previously, the most sophisticated cosmetic purchase I ever made was at the drugstore. So I didn’t think to look at prices. How expensive could eye shadow be?

Eventually I found myself in line with my little basket of purchases, again noticing the beautiful, stylish women now in line all around me. Obviously if you cared about your appearance, you bought your makeup in this place. Pretending to be a regular customer, I nonchalantly stepped up to the counter.

The young beauty behind the counter rang up my purchases. “Good news,” she enthused. “You have spent over $150! That entitles you to a special gift!” One hundred fifty dollars?? For blush and powder? I almost passed out. Excruciatingly aware of the Beautiful People surrounding me in line, I gulped and handed over my credit card, trying to look casual, as if this was a routine purchase for a diva like me. My hand was shaking. I thought I might possibly throw up, right there in front of a bunch of super models. How would I explain this to my husband? How good can makeup really be? Was the stuff made of ground up diamonds?

My cousins and I left the store together. I was still shaken. “I j-just spent $150 on eye shadow,” I stammered. “Those people think a lot of their makeup.”

In the real estate market, a home’s value is pretty much determined by what someone is willing to pay for it. Similarly, the boutique’s confidence in their product was demonstrated by the cost they assigned to it. Apparently I validated their assumption, since I willingly paid their price. The signature on my credit card slip indicated this makeup was indeed worth $150. At least to me. Apparently.

We can say the same for our own worth, according to Scripture. Our value has been determined by the price God was willing to pay for us.

“You were redeemed…with precious blood…the blood of Christ” (2 Peter 1:18-19).

 In Your Words: In what ways have you determined your value? 

Author and speaker Julie Coleman dedicates herself to helping others understand and know an unexpected God. Her new book, Unexpected Love: God’s Heart Revealed in Jesus’ Conversations with Women, was recently released by Thomas Nelson Publishers. Julie and her husband live in Annapolis, MD. You can find her blog at



Comments 25

  1. Excellent example & I’ve never done much w/ make-up either. Lately sincere loving feedback from friends has echoed and confirmed higher values in areas of my life than I had seen–very encouraged and grateful.

    1. It’s awesome that you have such supportive friends, Delores… they can be such an encouragement. God has brought people into my life like that as well. Their loyalty and enthusiasm was a real boost when my book was released as well!! Thank God for others who recognize our worth– it’s what the body of Christ is all about!

  2. My mother and sister do not leave the house without their makeup on…me not so much, but I did get a makeover for a photo shoot…sigh. So totally know how you felt when the clerk asked for your credit card. How can makeup cost so much???? And I’m so glad my worth in Christ isn’t tied to anything!

      1. Great meeting you, Patricia! I have a friend that got up earlier every single morning of her marriage so that her husband would never see her without her makeup on!! I wish I was that kind of disciplined… my poor husband gets the good, bad, and the ugly. And I mean ugly.

  3. Julie, I’ve struggled with self-esteem issues and, because of an alcoholic father, I struggled for years to understand my worth in God’s eyes. I think your book will help a lot of young women discover how valuable they are.

    Beth, Thanks for introducing me to your friend, Julie!

    1. Roxanne, I hear you. Those tapes of bad messages we got in our young and formative years keep playing over and over. Romans 12:2 tells us that we will be transformed by the renewing of our mind. In other words, learn to think differently. The content of our thoughts will transform our hearts. Knowing your true value, the one that the King of Kings assigns us, is a truth to dwell in. It will retrain how you think!!

  4. Julie, it’s so nice to meet you here. I loved your story and your point. Too often, I’ve let people determine my worth instead of Jesus. I’m learning not to place too much value on what others think of me or what I do/say/think/act/etc. Thank you for the reminder that God places so much value on me as to send His son to pay the price of redemption. Such a great thought to take into this new week.

    1. For me it is the idea that he has numbered the hairs on my head (a few less to count these days, unless you count the ones now springing from my chin!!!). I love that he knows me better than I know myself. I love the intimacy of the relationship expressed in Psalm 139! Nice to meet you too, Jeanne!

  5. Fun post, Julie. I’ve never had a makeover at a nice place like that because I KNOW I’d start buying the good stuff. And my bank account would be mad at me. Haha!!

    Really loved this post, though. I’ve been very blessed to have family and friends all my life who’ve affirmed me constantly. My parents were vigilant about showing us kids who we are in Christ. But even with all that, it’s still so easy to start defining my worth and value in what I do, accomplishments or achievements…so your post was a wonderful reminder today!

    1. I know what you mean, Melissa. The real problem comes when we start thinking that GOD is basing his value of us on what we do for him! Too often we try to “stay on God’s good side” by pleasing him with our actions. What happened to grace? His love for us was, is, and always will be based on grace. Unmerited favor. I hope that this little story helps bring that home to all of us.

  6. It’s so fun to have Julie visiting the blog today. It’s astounding to look back over the years and the miles and see where God has led each of us and what God is doing in Julie’s life — and through her writing!

    1. Beth, I agree. Who would have guessed when we were sharing diaper wipes that God would lead us down the paths he has? You were such an encouragement to me in those early days of parenting. It’s a lonely job being a stay-at-home mom, and your friendship was so important to me. It was the perfect season of life to meet and know you. I love you still!!

  7. I’m not going to lie… I’m still impressed every time you use the stuff you bought there. 🙂
    It’s so true- we live in a world where we are supposed to have high “self-esteem”… but really, what does our personal opinion of ourselves really matter much when the King of Kings thought so much of our souls that He laid down His Son, a part of Himself, for us? That’s the opinion that counts.

  8. Thank you Julie for the reminder that my value is not what I think it is, but what God thinks it is and how much HE paid for me! Needed this 🙂

  9. Oh, needed this today! God’s worked so much on my self-esteem through the years, and I struggle in how to pass this on to my daughter who’s a preteen. Such a tough time, and the analogies you’ve used today are ways I’ve never thought to talk to her. Things both she and I need to hear:)

  10. Thanks, Susan, so glad this was helpful. I have an article on raising pre-teens you might be interested in reading on Crosswalk:

    Just keep loving your daughter, cheering her on, sharing how much the Lord values her. She’ll get it. Middle school is the hardest age of all. So much emotion, so much change. I’m glad she has a mom who cares so deeply. You are a living example to her of how Christ loves the church. Hang in there!

  11. What a wonderful reminder that our worth is not measured by how we compare to those around us. I’ve always struggled with evaluating myself by looking at everyone and I never quite measured up. Then I found Col 2:8, encouraging me to allow my mind to be held captive by the love of Christ rather than the world’s lies. My worth’s defined by Christ, not by the cost of the makeup I wear ( when I do wear some).

  12. “Worth” is a funny thing, Sherry. It’s kind of like having children and worrying over whether we will love one more than another. My mother-in-law always says that each child brings its own love with it. We can love every child more than we thought possible, because every one is an individual with particular strengths and positive attributes. The same goes for our worth– we can all be worth a lot because we are all so different. Comparison with others is really irrelevant!

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