In Others’ Words: What do you see?

Beth VogtLife, Quotes, Reality, Uncategorized 27 Comments

The only ugliness is that of the heart, seen through the face. And though beauty be obvious, the only loveliness is invisible.~ Herman Melville (1819-1891), American novelist

This is one of those quotes that I need to read s-l-o-w-l-y.

I knew I liked it the first time I read it … but wait … did I understand it? Let me read it again …

Ugliness of the heart. Ah, yes. That I understand. Emotions — reactions, intentions — best left hidden. And yet they are revealed in my eyes, the window to my soul.

And beauty-that-is-more-than-skin-deep.

How often do I focus on what I see in the mirror — obvious beauty, or the lack thereof — and miss the gentle loveliness of the invisible? Yes, mine … or someone else’s?

In Others’ Words: What beauty have you seen today?

Comments 27

    1. One of the most beautiful things here at Blue Ridge: Seeing you in person, Pat! An absolute delight!!!!!!

  1. Beauty–the tenderness in a mother’s eyes as she says good-bye and entrusts her children in my care, the gentle touch of a preschooler’s hand on her cheek as she tells me she loves me, a child’s sweet, sweet smile as he giggles about a special joke, the flower in a baby food jar vase given to me by one of my Little Darlings, hearing my mother’s voice on the phone as she asks for prayer for my sister whose job is on the line tomorrow, a toddler’s temper tantrum over a toy because it shows she’s developing as she should…and it’s only 8 a.m.

    Lovely post, Beth!

    1. I know, Wendy. I know.
      And I also know how you love unlocking the deep things like this…thoughts that move.

  2. Several times I’ve found that some people I initially considered homely, as in Abraham Lincoln homely, actually had such wonderful inner kindness and spirit, I soon genuinely saw them instead as extremely handsome or beautiful. That’s teaching me to suspend judgment, to wait for God to show me what’s inside before I made a judgment. I’m richer for learning that lesson. Each new person and experience is an opportunity to discover.

  3. I love that quote and yes, I had to read it slowly…twice! I haven’t been up long, but I gotta say, I saw beauty in Lindsay Harrel’s blog post, my morning coffee and the honeysuckle candle in my living room. (I have yet to see my kids this morning or I’d include them!)

  4. I had a horrible migraine last night and cried. Hard. I was so frustrated that I couldn’t work on my ms or do anything productive.

    But there was such beauty in the way my husband held me, rubbed my neck, told me it would be OK.

    And even though my headache remained, I felt better. The beauty of love and care.

  5. Beauty in the concern and care on my kids’ faces when they realized I was in a funk last night. Both of them tried in their own way to lift my spirit. That beauty definitely peeked through!

  6. The beauty in my kids’ sleepy-eyed morning hugs and their curiosity in what I’m reading (okay, it’s the screen, but still I love the way they want t know more). Their smiles. Beauty on the lilac bush as lavender mingles with green with a blue back drop. The beauty in the way teachers view their students. Puffy clouds in a blue sky. Mountains with only a trace of winter’s white coat left on them. Spring time colors.

  7. I saw beauty in the face of a dear friend who is moving away from me this week. ๐Ÿ™ It will be a stretching time for me, but I know the Lord has good things in store.

    1. Ah … hard times, Sarah. I pray your friendship thrives despite the geographical distance. As the wife of a military guy for many years, I’ve learned it’s possible.

  8. Wow…I had to re-read that quote four times for it to sink in. Those are amazing words. Today, I’ve seen beauty in a calm, serene response to an overagitated person when such grace could have been easily shunned. There’s beauty everywhere…we just have to see it.

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