Am I celebrating the Denver Broncos winning Super Bowl 50? Yes, yes, I am.
I also realize some of you reading this post may be Panther fans, so understand that while I’m celebrating, I’m not gloating. Sportsย is always about winning and losing, and Broncos’ fans have experienced both.
Which brings me to today’s quote … and the intriguing truth that two-time Super Bowl winning NFL quarterback Peyton Manning does not pray to win. A life-long competitor who does not pray for victory.
Peyton Manning understands life is not counted by wins and losses. That, while there is something to be said about winning not one, but two Super Bowl rings — one-of-a-kind jewelry is not how you measure the worth of a man.ย
Broncos’ fans look at our vivid blue and orange sunsets and insist God is a Broncos’ fan, too. But Manning doesn’t think God even cares about football — except how it might help form a person’s character.
I’ve always said Peyton Manning is a class act, and I’m not the only person to say that. But now I know Manning has a wise perspective on life, too.
In Your Words: No, I’m not asking about the Super Bowl today. I’d like your thoughts on Peyton Manning’s prayer. How has winning — or losing — influenced your character? And when we talk of winning or losing, we know it happens both in sports and other arenas, so share however it applies to your life.
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Comments 10
As little as I keep up with football, I’ve kept up enough to know about the admirable character of Peyton Manning. He shone even brighter on Sunday evening after watching the Panther’s quarterback’s poor sportsmanship and leadership. I’m not happy the whole team had to experience a loss, but I believe one young man needed the lesson, for sure. Maybe it’ll “influence the character.” There are lessons to learn from both men about what’s important and what’s not.
Seeing it play out from a distance, it’s a good reminder that the losses in my life have probably been necessary even if, and maybe especially if, I pouted through them. ๐
Kim: I watched Cam Newton’s post Super Bowl press conference — and the commentator’s take on it afterward. Some were shocked and disappointed by his behavior. Others said he will learn from it.
Yes, yes, he will.
We all have to learn that life is not about wins or losses — and that God uses both to mold our character.
I try to bear myself so that no one will know whether I won or lost.
Well said, Andrew. Well said.
Sports in my life always carried the importance of doing my best. Perhaps I’m not competitive enough to be champion material in most sports, but the ones I participated in gave me joy and a purpose I would have otherwise lacked. I’ve prayed to win and lost, but it wasn’t because God didn’t hear nor answer. He did both and it was up to me to realize that, just as Peyton suggests in his statement. It should never be easy to accept defeat in sports, but it should always be the depth of character, like the photo shows of Cam Newton speaking with Peyton after the game. Peyton may not meet him again on the field of football in a competitive position, but I’ll be that Cam will have a friend for life in Peyton.
Warren: Thanks for joining the conversation this morning. And you’re correct: Cam will have a friend for life in Peyton because he seems to be a loyal person. I appreciate your statement about how participating in sports “gave you joy and a purpose.”
Great post, Beth. When I first read what Peyton Manning prays for, my respect for him went up even more. Winning has influenced my character in gratitude. Most of my “wins” have come after losses, so to finally achieve something, or accomplish something means a lot. Losing has pushed me closer to God. I have learned to depend on Him in ways I never would have had the desire, the victory come easily. It’s a hard way to grow, but the lessons have sticking power.
Thanks for sharing how winning increased your gratitude, Jeanne — and how losing has deepened your relationship with God.
So agree! And I agree with Andrew. As I watched the Panther quarterback during the singing of the National Anthem, I wondered where his mind was. And I’ve had God whisper in my ear as I waited to see if I won the top prize once: This isn’t my plan for you. And I was truly happy for the winner.
Pat: You made an excellent point about needing to learnt to celebrate with the winner, no matter what. It takes our eyes off of us and allows joy to enter defeat.