In Others’ Words: Words

Beth VogtLife, Quotes, Reality, Writing 28 Comments

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” ~Mother Teresa

My friend, Beth Jusino, probably didn’t even realize how her words encouraged me, but to this day, I remember where we were, what she said, and how I hugged those words to myself.

At the time, Beth was an agent with Alive Communications, a top literary agency located here in Colorado Springs. I stopped by to visit her one day and she gave me a tour of the offices. Standing beside a massive set of wooden bookshelves, Beth said, “This is where we keep our clients’ books. We file them alphabetically, so your book will one day be here.” And she pointed to the spot where a “V”-named author’s book would be placed.

At the time, Beth knew I was working on a nonfiction book about late-in-life motherhood. If it was picked up by MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) International, my intended goal, I would, by default, be represented by an agent at Alive.

I was hoping and praying — and writing.

Beth spoke words of affirmation to me. She believed in me.

Her words were the best kindness anyone could ever offer a writer. And I hear the echo of her voice in my heart to this day.


In Your Words: Whose voice of kindness echoes in your life today? Are you looking for a chance to speak kind words to someone else?


*And, yes, my book, Baby Changes Everything, was published by MOPS in 2007!

Comments 28

  1. Beth, I could not agree more with this post. I believe fully that our words can bring life or death.

    As a worship leader at my church I get a lot of complaints. Music is so powerful so I believe the enemy loves to use it to bring division and cause trouble. Recently I have been getting hit with not making people happy. This is difficult for me because I have struggled with trying to please everyone all the time. I realize I can’t do this but the words still hurt. I have gone to my pastor with these complaints and his words bring me life. He assures me that I am doing my job well. I feel when he has my back I can let things go. His words have given me the courage to push through the negativity and just keep doing what God has given me the ability to do.

    1. Melissa,
      I agree with you — your ministry as a worship leader is so vital to the church. I’ve seen what you’re experiencing happen to others in worship ministry. I am thankful you have a pastor whose words echo kindness — and truth — in your life.

    1. Wendy,
      So, yes, you are hearing the echos in your life.
      And I am certain, knowing you, that you speak kindness into others lives too.

  2. Hi Beth!
    That’s a great question. For me, there are so many people it would be impossible to name them all. Rachelle was definitely the biggest encourager when I was first starting to put down ideas for Yesterday’s Tomorrow. I’m so thrilled that I later became her client. Deb Raney always has wonderful words of kindness. My list grows each year as I meet more amazing authors, and your name comes to mind today when I think on this answer. ๐Ÿ™‚

    PS – can you change my blog addy on your list to

    1. Cathy,
      Your answer reminds me again how others along the writing road have spoken words of encouragement to me — making such a difference in my life.

      (And I will ask my web guru to change the addy.)

  3. Awwww! What life-giving words Beth spoke to you! My husband is a very loud voice of kindness in my life. And in my writing life, you are! I’ve hugged your encouragements to my heart and thoughts as I figure out this writing adventure.

    1. I’m not surprised that your husband’s voice echoes in your heart, Jeanne! And it’s a delight to walk alongside you down the writing road! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I’m so blessed to have so many good friends who encourage me daily. I have one mentor in particular who always texts me prayers and encouragement, reminding me that God has given me certain gifts and that He will direct my use of them.

    And yes, I think God gave me the gift of encouragement as well, because I love to speak truth into people’s lives and remind them of the hope they have in the Lord.

    Thanks for YOUR encouragement in my life too, Beth. You are a blessing!

    1. I love the idea of texting words of encouragement, Lindsay.
      That’s a fun way to speak words of kindness to others.
      Thanks, too, for encouraging me this morning.

  5. I’ve had so many people encourage me. It always comes at a time when I’m feeling crappy. Many times, those people had no idea what I was really thinking. I love that God always does and uses His people to strengthen us.

    1. It is amazing how God works through others. And, yes, people who don’t even realize that I need a word spoken in kindness have often been the ones to make such a difference.

  6. I think I always give the same answer when asked about who encourages me: my parents. They are my two favorite people in the whole world and encourage me constantly.

    Also, Susan May Warren…I will never forget her encouragement at the first MBT Storycrafting Retreat. It was the boost I needed to get serious about this writing thing!

  7. I have so many who encourage me, but I’ll never forget the very first encouragement I received as a writer. It was my first short story and Nancy McCarthy at Woman’s World bought it. Which was great, but the thing that kept me writing came months afterward when she took this newbie’s phone call and spoke words of encouragement, like “I love your voice”…then she told me to keep writing, and learning, and polishing…
    And now I try to pass encouragement on, especially to new writers.

  8. Absolutely, I want to pass it on! My dad’s words of encouragement still ring in my ears to this day. Even though he had four girls, he taught us many things he would have taught a son – how to change a tire, check car fluids, repair sink faucets, and much more. He always told us that we could be anything we set our minds to be – regardless of gender. Anything. Because of his affirmation, there has never been a situation I faced that I didn’t believe a “girl” could face head-on. That sense of self-worth that he gave to my sisters and I remains absolutely priceless. And I pass that affirmation on whenever I get the chance!

    1. Love the memories you shared of your dad, Donna.
      My husband taught all our kiddos — one son, three daughters — how to handle tools. Both our oldest daughters have asked for toolboxes and drills for Christmas.

  9. I love words. They have the ability to bless others big time. Please, Lord, that mine do that far more than they wound.

    Some of the most meaningful words I ever heard were the final four my beloved mother-in-law uttered before she lost her battle with breast cancer and went to be with the Lord, “I love you, Keli.” That was a gift unlike any other I’ve ever received.

  10. I am always looking for the opportunity to pass on words of encouragement. We give, and we make the world a better place. I love when I see seeds of encouragement sprout.

  11. I began the A to Z challenge with a bit of a downer post (to the point I felt a bit bad when I read some of the comments). Anyhoo. I received many encouraging words. I was encouraged by agent Beth’s words! And, so very glad you published the book.

    1. I am looking forward to reading your A to Z challenged … yeah, already 2 days behind. But I like that you’ve taken it on, Stacy.

  12. Words are powerful–and encouraging ones are like a super power! I’m amazed at the lift I feel at the simplest encouragement. I only hope that I can pass it on–I’m trying to be more aware of that.
    Thank you Beth for your continued kindnesses ๐Ÿ™‚ Always a lift!

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