Choosing to Love Louder

Beth VogtBeth K. Vogt, brokenness, challenges, choices, crisis, grace, In Others' Words, Life, Love, perspective, Quotes, Relationships, suffering 10 Comments


This week has hemorrhaged heartache – and the week’s not even done yet.

We’ve all watched the news or read the headlines, grappling with the horrific actions of others. And no matter how many times a news anchor or a journalist attempts to better explain the who and how of the tragedies, their words can’t strip away the pain.

But even more distressing is the dialogue of how – the rage that rises as people attempt to determine why the tragedies occurred and what we need to do to avoid them in the future.

Politics preempts grief.

In the midst of heartache that touches an entire country – I would daresay the world – there are also the unseen sorrows we each carry that will never garner a headline or be mentioned by a TV news anchor.

  • The young couple who struggles with infertility
  • The woman facing a breast cancer diagnosis
  • The student who is anxious about the start of a new school year
  • The son or daughter navigating end of life decisions for a parent
  • The person bewildered by the silence of a friend

What do we need from others when we are brought to our knees in the normal course of our days?

Do we want to listen to a debate about how to fix the problem? Advice on how to live life better? Discuss what we could have done to avoid the situation in the first place?

And yes, I realize that sometimes we do need a plan of action.

But first … may we be greeted with love.

Our solution to someone else’s problem might be right. Or it might be wrong. But we will never, ever be misguided if we respond to someone else in their time of need by loving them.

Let me share a little story with you.

There was a time in my life when I was hurting — brokenhearted. And I was about to make a bad decision. I had my reasons. I thought they were pretty good reasons for my bad decision.

I was encouraged to talk with an older woman about what was going on in my life. At the time, I felt cornered. I knew she’d look at me and tell me how wrong I was and to get back in line and do this, do that, and, you know, basically be a “good Christian.”

Instead, she came and sat beside me and, with tears in her eyes, she said, “I can see why you’re hurting. I understand.”

And we wept together.

That, my friends, is love out loud. I expected judgement — even condemnation. I received words of mercy and grace.

I don’t know anyone personally affected by the tragedies in Texas or Ohio, so there are only two things I can do for those people: I can pray for them and I can choose to love them by not entering into the anger being thrown around in the media.

And then, I can be present in the lives of the people I do know. I can be available to love them a little louder when they need it.

What a difference it would make if we all chose to love a little louder today.


Choosing to Love Louder #relationships #grief Share on X

loude'I need you to love me a little louder today.' Quote by Unknown #mercy #choices Share on X


Comments 10

  1. Sorry for the language in the tenth line, but the word simply needed to be there, both from a technical and ‘message’ perspective. No worries if you choose to delete!

    If you love me a little louder,
    not caring if you put on airs,
    I can carry me a little prouder
    in knowing, yeah, that God still cares.
    We have to be His hands and feet,
    and be His humble, loving heart
    to make the broken feel complete,
    to give rejected souls another start.
    We have to love the ones we’d hate
    because the bastards are our brothers,
    for to spurn is thus to desecrate
    the care God took in making others.
    They may not fit your Godly view,
    but before the Lord – neither do you.

    1. Post

      Andrew: The greater truth of your words rings true: “They may not fit your Godly view, but before the Lord — neither did you.” We all need mercy and grace, and none of us can demand it. None of us has the perfect credentials that declare is “worthy.”

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    2. Yes! Find the ways built into daily life to spread living, breath of fresh air giving, love. Thank you for your light shining out the hope of love in these dark days.

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        Robyn: When we’re looking for ways to give love, let’s look close to home: our family, our friends. I just caught a headline where a young girl suggested doing 22 acts of kindness in honor of the 22 victims in El Paso, Texas. A child leading the way in loving out loud.

  2. Yes, more love lightens every load, no matter the circumstances. Scripture says, “Faith works by love,” and that looses a huge realm of problem-solving and problem-annihilating possibilities.

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  3. This is beautiful, Beth.

    I had an older woman come alongside me too when I was on the verge of a destructive decision. Instead of condemning like others had done, she loved me through a very painful time. Seldom a day goes by that I don’t thank God for Betty’s wisdom and support.

    Your post also reminds me of what my counselor said 40 years ago, “You can love ’em into heaven or preach ’em into hell.”

    I appreciate your reminder that what I can do for others is always the same … love them.

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