In Others’ Words: The Value of Nothing

Beth VogtIn Others' Words, Life, Quotes 13 Comments

The value of Doing Nothing. Milne. 2014It’s been a year of deadlines for me … going from one deadline to the next to the next … and repeat, repeat, repeat.

Add in the non-writing parts of life and there’s not been a lot of “doing nothing” in 2014.

I often findย those quiet moments of “nothing” in the middle of the night when I’m awake and everyone else in my house — including all the assorted doggies — are asleep. Silence is indeed golden and often toasted with a cup of my favorite tea. (Constant Comment, anyone? Or Lady Gray?)

And what do I hear when I’m “not bothering?

Whispers of conversations that encouraged my heart.

Snatches of laughter … always the music of laughter.

The sweet nonsense chatter of my GRANDdaughter, who in her mind, is making complete sense.

The mind-mentions of friends’ names … which turn into prayers for them.

But mostly I savor the stillness, the hush, that’s overtakenย the house. There’s not much to hear … but there’s a knowing that loved ones are resting … and God is still awake.

In Your Words: When is the last time you did nothing? What did you hear when you listened “to all the things you can’t hear”? What do you think is the value of “not bothering”?

The value of nothing #lifequotes #AAMilne Listening to what you can’t hear #lifequotes #winniethepooh



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Comments 13

  1. It’s a dangerous place for me to go, because there are things in my memory that no person should ever want to hear…and in the silence, I hear them.

    I wish it were otherwise, but needs must when the devil drives, as they say.

    Particularly apt, as I have seen what the devil, unfettered in all his stolen glory, can do. Those who would joke about his reality, and the quality of his evil, are idiots.

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  2. Doing nothing is next to impossible with two active boys in the home. One wants my attention. The other wants my attention. . . ๐Ÿ™‚ But I’m not complaining.

    In those times whey they’re at school, my to-do list beckons. I need to take some time to just do nothing. To listen and to not bother with anything. I’m not very good at this I’m afraid. ๐Ÿ™‚ Maybe I need to light a candle and set everything aside for five minutes, just to see what it feels like. ๐Ÿ™‚

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  3. Oh my word, I LOVE this quote. I’m not so great at practicing it, but that is the best! I think I need to put it someplace in my house:)

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  4. This is lovely–thanks. I stay too busy on purpose I think, so as not to waste a moment. There are so many things to accomplish and memories to make and my imagination and list don’t seem to shorten. But I too savor the quiet during the night names/prayers of loved ones and committing them to Him who sits on the throne, and unto the lamb. How wonderful, that one way our powerful God chooses to represent himself is as a lamb. And may our life interactions and love expressed totally bear that imprint.

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  5. My house is almost always quiet unless I turn music on. Sometimes, weather permitting, I sit on my deck and do nothing. And like you God brings friends to mind to pray for, snatches of scenes, and sometimes I just imagine myself walking along the shore of Galilee, listening to Jesus tell me wonderful things. I smell the sea, dig my toes in the sand and want to extend the time.

  6. The old saying, Silence is golden, is true in my book. To be present and listen to nothing….all kinds of something’s occur!

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