It’s a Real Book: Wish You Were Here is here!

Beth VogtContemporary Romance, Fun, Life, Writing 41 Comments

A package arrived at my house on Tuesday — two packages, actually.

In one was a copy of my debut novel, Wish You Were Here, with a note from my editor, Jessica Wong, saying the book was “hot off the presses.” That’s a cliche any author will embrace.

The second package contained several additional copies of my novel — but not for me, for several influencers. So those copies of my book have already left the house.

But I still have my advance copy.

And the fun memory of my daughter, Amy, taking photos of me with my “real” books. Because, you know, me + a camera pointed at me = bloopers. And then there’s my other daughter, Katie Beth, getting into the act. (She provided the bunny ears.)

Writing’s been pretty serious business for me the past few months, what with a deadline looming for book #2. The whole “I must, I must, I must” mantra is driving me hard.

Sometimes I forget that I’m living my dream. And I that I love to write. It’s fun. I’m b-l-e-s-s-e-d to be able to do what I’m doing: write stories that I hope will entertain and encourage others. ย And then I have a silly photo shoot with my daughters (all three of them, because the youngest decided to hold a blanket up behind me as a backdrop) and suddenly the laughter is back.

In Your Words: Are you having fun yet?

*Join in the wedding dress fun! Please send me your wedding dress photos to put in my “album” as we celebrate the soon-to-be launch of Wish You Were Here! Email them to*

Comments 41

  1. I am sooo excited for you! Just wondering if you sometimes have “am I dreaming, pinch me” moments…I know I would. Congratulations on getting Wish You Were Here!

    1. ๐Ÿ™‚
      I hope you enjoy the book. I was recalling some of my favorite scenes last night. Would love to hear any of yours.

  2. So absolutely over the moon Happy Danging for you, Soul!!! I remember the look of confusion that crossed your face at Storycrafters, and now look at you!!! You’re holding your book in your hands, Ms. “I’m Never Going to Write Fiction”

    1. That’s a real “and you were there moment,” Heart! Thanks for walking this journey with me — and for locking the doors and not letting me leave the building.

  3. Oh, what an exciting day for you, Beth! That must be an incredible feeling to hold your debut novel. I don’t know if I’d frame it or what! Congratulations!

  4. Hahaha I read it already! What can I say, if I love a book I have a REALLY hard time putting it down and this was definitely a book I loved! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Congratulations on the new release! Since I’m not married I’ll have to wait to post my pic LOLOLOL!


    1. ๐Ÿ™‚
      You have made this debut author’s day — week–month.
      Thanks, Renee, for joining the celebration.
      “Start spreading the news …”

      Yeah, that’s a song …

  5. Well, how fun! Love that your daughters got in on the photo shoot. And glad to know it took at least a LITTLE work to look this gorgeous. Celebrate this release! We ARE living the dream! : )

    1. Thanks for dropping by today, Deb. I thank God that I’m living my dream — that he is giving me the desires of my heart, in senses of the word. And as you said, I like that we are journeying together this time around. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. WOW!!! What an amazing feeling it must be to hold your first novel in your hands. I’m thrilled for you, Beth. Can’t wait until my copy arrives from Amazon. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Dear Beth,

    Congratulations on your new book. I received a copy yesterday for review purposes. I can’t wait to settle down with it tonight. I’m a non-fiction author with a soon-to-be-published book (co-authored with a Pastor) so I can relate to your elation.

    Happy writing.

    God bless your efforts,


    1. Thanks for joining the conversation, Anna, and I do hope you enjoy reading Wish You Were Here.
      Congratulations on your upcoming book!

  8. Well, Beth, YOU did it, and deserve a big whooping “CHEER!!”

    What you mention about deadlines and having to remind yourself that you’re living your dream reminds me of a phone call from my son. At about age 27/28 his new business was always on the brink of failure and it was major stress for the “numbers man,” which is him. We were talking and he said, “I’m living my dream and I’m not enjoying it.” He was in the midst of a wake-up call. (The business is now doing great now and so is he!) When I get stressed about writing or not writing or am I good enough or I’m not good enough- it’s time to say, “Hey, I’m living my dream.”

    You are a wonderful example to us, Beth, of where hard work can take us in this business. Thanks for sharing your joy!! Congratulations!! (So excited for you!)

    1. Thank you, Patti, for sharing your son’s story. You must be so proud of him.
      And thanks for always being so, so encouraging!

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