In Others’ Words: Influence

Beth VogtFun, In Others' Words, Life, Quotes 40 Comments

Ah, compliments! Someone takes the time to say something encouraging. Something positive about you. They start a sentence with the words, “I like you because _____________” and then they fill in the blank with a reason. And you hug those words to yourself. In the process of organizing my office recently, I gathered together various notes I’d received — from …

In Others’ Words: Discover

Beth VogtIn Others' Words, Life, quote about life, Quotes 15 Comments

Getting past fear? It’s an amazing feeling. Pushing past the “I can’t, I can’t, I can’t” — stuffing a sock in all that mental mouthing-off  —  helps me see myself in a whole new, glorious way. Yes, glorious. Suddenly I’m not living under the crushing threat of impossible. Instead, I’m inhaling and exhaling all of the possibles. So what was …

In Others’ Words: Torn

Beth VogtFaith, Fun, In Others' Words, Life, quote about choices, quote about life 15 Comments

And there you have it: Life choice distilled down into one 20-word sentence. Is your life other-focused or you-focused? Or is it a constant arrival at the fork in the road and deciding, once again, which way do you go? It’s not that I think going one way is wrong (enjoyment) and going the other way is right (living to …