How Do We Find Hope When Our Life Doesn’t Go According to Our Plan?

Beth VogtBeth K. Vogt, challenges, change, COVID-19, dreams, expectations, Faith, hope, Life, perseverance, perspective, Quotes 8 Comments

Has your life ever not gone according to your plans? Some of you are thinking, “Really, Beth? You’re asking me that?” Life rarely goes according to our plans. We all experienced the upheaval of the COVID pandemic in 2020, and we’re still affected by it just over a year later. The life we plan for ourselves gets derailed by all …

In Others’ Words: Making Changes

Beth Vogtchange, In Others' Words, Quotes 9 Comments

  Some quotes you just can’t argue with.  I could leave it at that and this would be a very short blog post, wouldn’t it? Yep. Feeling a bit sassy today. Expounding on the whole “making changes” theme: People in my life can influence me so that I see the need to change. People can inspire me by the changes …

In Others’ Words: Expecting a Miracle

Beth VogtChristmas, In Others' Words, Quotes 8 Comments

This time of year overflows with expectancy. Yes, we’re all counting down the days until Christmas morning, when we’re with friends and family. When we can finally dig into our stockings and tear into the brightly wrapped presents. Sit back and savor the sound of laughter and the presence of our loved ones. But if we push past the expectancy …

In Others’ Words: Miracle

Beth VogtFaith, In Others' Words, quote about choices, Quotes 21 Comments

Miracles. They cause us to stop and wonder: What just happened? Water into wine? (John 2:1-11) Blindness into sight? (Mark 8:22-25) Death into life? (John 11) More than what … miracles cause us to stop and wonder: How did that happen?  And we stumble into awestruck silence when we realize there is no answer, no explanation … but God. My …