My Kind of Mad Lib Fun Contest Winner!

Beth VogtFun, Writing 13 Comments

So laughter rocked the walls of my office tonight! I read through all the entries with my husband and my two oldest daughters listening in. The judging was fairly subjective — we’re writers, so we are used to the whole “it’s subjective” thing, right? Based on the amount of laughter produced, the winner of the first, but definitely not last, …

What’s a Tired Contemporary Romance Writer to Do: My Kind of Mad Lib Fun (& a prize!)

Beth VogtContemporary Romance, Fun, Writing 38 Comments

So yesterday was all about this: ๐Ÿ™‚ And in between replying to a steady stream of comments on this blog — thank you one and all for celebrating my book cover with me! — I also edited a magazine and racked up almost 4300 words in my work-in-progress. So, yes, I’m tired — but in an oh-yesterday-was-a-wonderful-day kind of way. …