My friend Mary and I went for an early morning walk the other day. During our weekly walks, we take turns talking about life in an honest, here’s-what’s-going-on-with-me kind of way. Mary invited me to go first, so after discussing my latest ups and downs, I yielded the, um, sidewalk to Mary. As we neared the end of our …
In Others’ Words: The God of Hope
My understanding of God has changed through the years, but one thing hasn’t changed: I know that God is a God of hope. Do I get discouraged at times? Yes. Do I struggle against God’s plan — sometimes when it’s clear and sometimes when it’s not? Yes. Do I sometimes call myself “Oh-me-of-little-faith”? Yes. But all that stuff about me …
In Others’ Words: Burying Yourself Alive
How would you define self-pity? We’ve all heard the quote about how harboring unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person — the person we can’t forgive — to die. But what about self-pity — an overwhelming focus on your troubles? Sometimes self-pity blares like a megaphone, but sometimes we learn to muffle the “woe-is-mes,” to make them …