In Others’ Words: Unexpected Setbacks

Beth VogtIn Others' Words, Life, quote about life, Reality, Uncategorized 13 Comments

injuredfoot 2014 quoteThis is not the blog post I expected to write.

Of course, things kind of spun out of my control yesterday.

And there’s the truth of it: I made the mistake of thinking I had the day all under control, hemmed in, thanks to my all powerful To Do list.

Yeah, that’ll do it.

My plans for yesterday: write, write, write … and interrupt the writing to go get my hair done.10534635_727176714010914_7860147728949719670_n

Not in the plan: falling down, with sound effects no less — something like SNAP, CRACKLE, CRUNCH — as my foot folded underneath me. Laying on the floor and thinking, “This is bad” and hoping that I wouldn’t throw up.

Yeah. It hurt that much.

The rest of the day was out of my control. Let’s just say, nothing’s broken, but torn ligaments are pretty painful. And I won’t be racking up 7 miles a day walking anytime soon.

Do I like these circumstances that I, um, fell into? Nope.

But can I find value and fulfillment in them?

I guess that choice is up to me, isn’t it?

10544310_10203966246943884_2495256713450980676_nI could play a round of the “It could be worse” game. Yes, that’s true — and that is also not the point. This is where I am. This is what I’m dealing with. The question is: do I believe that there are new and positive possibilities to be discovered in this unexpected setback?

I have a choice: I can grumble, complain, worry . . . and none of that is going to help me or anyone else. I believe it’s okay to be honest. I do not like this. At all. But I am not parking my brain there. I am going to trust that God is in even this … and look for the positive possibilities.

I’ll keep you posted.


In Your Words: When have you discovered new, positive possibilities in unexpected setbacks? I’d love to hear your stories today!


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Comments 13

  1. Aaaccckkk! Beth, I’m so sorry! (((HUGS))) friend!

    Great minds think alike. Kind of what I’m blogging about today—seasons and how they affect our writing goals.

    Praying blessings of healing over your ankle!

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  2. Of course, I am so sorry to hear that–definitely not on the agenda, but bless your attitude. May you heal fast & amazingly & get the writing done w/ added depth and feeling. I’ll also be praying lots of blessings & sending hugs.

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  3. I’m so sorry for the trouble! I hope you’ll heal quickly, and at least you’ll be at dog’s-eye-level for a bit! A good place to get new perspectives.

    Adversity has been an eventual benefit at many times in my life.

    In 1978, I had a planned trip to San Diego, and a combination of irritating circumstances caused me to cancel the trip at the last minute.

    The airliner crashed, killing all aboard. One of those killed was named “Andrew Martin”. Martin is my middle name.

    The ‘benefit’ from the situation wasn’t what one might think. I do not believe it was a ‘God thing’, because that would require me to believe that God cast the other passengers into that last vortex of terror as they saw the ground come up to smite them.

    I can’t believe in a God like that. Bad things happen, and God hates them, too.

    I did learn that day that while temporal life isn’t our ultimate destination, it’s still filled with connections that will hurt if broken, and I learned to appreciate those connections, those other hearts that are bound to mine by love, smiling proximity, or by the great mystery of sincere opposition.

    1. Post

      There are always lessons to be learned from every adversity we face — or “near-miss,” as some are wont to say.
      The interesting thing is how concerned the dogs are right now. They follow me as I ride the dolly around on the floor — and perch on the chair with me when I’m resting. We joke that they’re “healing dragons” — you have to have read Donita K. Paul’s Dragon Keeper Chronicles to get the reference. But in reality, they are dogs who seem to know when humans are hurting and want to be nearby and offer comfort.

  4. Praying for a speedy recovery, Beth! This past week I had to watch my daughter experience two big disappointments. One was a setback, of sorts, the other a loss. She’s ten. And though neither thing was serious (to me), they were very serious to her. I had the opportunity to talk to her about disappointment/setbacks, and help her to see God’s plan. Sometimes it’s just a matter of putting on the brakes for us, when God sees us careening forward with no intentions of slowing. Sometimes there is an obstacle around the corner we can’t see, and he does, so he stops us before we crash into it. Sometimes we don’t know why he stops us in our tracks. Hoping you can use this down time to meet your deadline, and see God’s purpose in it.

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      I’m sorry your daughter had a setback and a loss this week. How wonderful that you were there to walk her through both, to help her see God during those times.
      And I am trying to do the same. I can’t say I’m happy about this setback — but I’ll try to find the humor in it (Crawling on the floor? Really?!) and be patient as I heal. And be thankful for loving, caring family and friends.

  5. When I first saw the picture, I thought it was Kristan Higgins’ foot! I just got back from RWA and she was there on crutches with an air cast because she had broken her ankle a week before the conference.
    Beth, I can so relate to your lists and planning. Looking back, my life has been a series of unplanned events/setbacks, but I pray that I’m getting better at seeing them like ocean swells. Sometimes they become huge waves that catch you by surprise and pound you into the sand and then recede. And sometimes you’re just floating blissfully along, only to look up and see that they’ve carried you to an unexpected place. Either way, they keep you moving through life and in the One who holds the ocean in His hands.
    Praying for a quick recovery. ๐Ÿ™‚

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      Thank you for the reminder that ultimately I’m in God’s hands. The ocean has always been the place I’ve felt closest to God. He didn’t lose sight of me when I fell yesterday — and he’ll get me through what I need to accomplish, even now that I’m slowed down a bit (quite a bit) with this wretched ankle.

  6. Beth, I’m so sorry about the torn ligaments! But yes, search for those positive opportunities in the midst of the storm.

    In my unexpected setback of my husband-to-be not arriving as soon as I thought he would (he’s still not here yet), I found a passion (and job!) for proofreading novels. I thought my talent ended at writing them, but God had different designs in the works. So, I’m thankful for His wisdom, even if the waiting for my first dream is super hard. At least He’s giving me new dreams along the way, and still allowing me to hope for the marriage He’s promised me. Oh yes, His plan is perfect.


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      Thank you for sharing your story of finding the positives in the midst of the setbacks. Timing is everything, and yes, waiting is difficult. But trusting God … that is the most important thing of all. And I know your heart is to trust God.

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