What’s a Tired Contemporary Romance Writer to Do: My Kind of Mad Lib Fun (& a prize!)

Beth VogtContemporary Romance, Fun, Writing 38 Comments

So yesterday was all about this:


And in between replying to a steady stream of comments on this blog — thank you one and all for celebrating my book cover with me! — I also edited a magazine and racked up almost 4300 words in my work-in-progress.

So, yes, I’m tired — but in an oh-yesterday-was-a-wonderful-day kind of way.

Which leads to this blog post.

I decided to have some fun today … which will continue over to Thursday’s post. But for the fun to happen, I’ll need your participation. There are three easy steps:

1. Read the list below.

2. Leave your answers to the list (please number your answers) as a comment.

3. Come back on Thursday for the “My Kind of Mad Lib” fun!

The list:

  1. woman’s name
  2. genre
  3. occupation
  4. woman’s name
  5. occupation
  6. man’s name
  7. verb
  8. nickname
  9. verb
  10. number
  11. noun
  12. noun
  13. verb
  14. number
  15. verb
  16. verb
  17. noun
  18. noun
  19. TV show
  20. noun
  21. Plural noun

Easy, right? 21 quick answers in the comment section. Just remember, this is “My Kind of Mad Lib” fun!

For an added incentive, everyone who plays the game will have a chance at winning a $10 Starbucks card. I mean, what’s a contest without a prize, right?

Comments 38

  1. 1. Lovey
    2. Steam Punk
    4. Anastasia
    5. Scientist
    6. Thor
    7. relapsed
    8. Honey
    9, murdered
    10. eleven
    11. recidivist
    12. horse
    13. tired
    14. 2
    15. tickle
    16. rocketing
    17. ship
    18. clock
    19, Gilligan’s Island
    20. Duck
    21. Microscopes

    Too fun – I can hardly wait till tomorrow!

  2. 1-Olivia, 2-historical, 3-teacher, 4-Francis, 5-nurse, 6-Edgar, 7-run, 8-Sunny, 9-sink, 10-nine, 11-beans, 12-birds, 13-harvest, 14-twelve, 15-swat, 16-bellow, 17-pillow, 18-mystery, 19-Touched by an Angel, 20-story, 21-books

  3. Too fun!!

    1. Petunia
    2. Romantic comedy
    3. Sky-diving instructor
    4. Amelia
    5. Psychiatrist
    6. Lucius
    7. diagnose
    8. Sweetums
    9. kickbox
    10. 17
    11. elf
    12. unicorn
    13. twirl
    14. 46
    15. medicate
    16. procrastinate
    17. cello
    18. girdle
    19. Downton Abbey
    20. weeping willow tree
    21. spoons

    Pretty sure this story will win a Pulitzer.

  4. 1. Charis
    2. Romantic suspense
    3.molecular biologist
    17.picture frame
    19. Grey’s Anatomy
    20.English Muffin

  5. 1. Stella 2. romance 3. lobbyist 4. Alexis 5. fashion magazine editor 6. Creid 7. clash 8. lil bit 9. race 10. 7 11. hall 12. book 13. slither 14. 2 15. jump 16. kiss 17. hair 18. lipstick 19. Pickers 20. heart 21. lips

    This should be lots of fun, Beth! ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. 1. Nicole 2. romantic suspense (of course) 3. horse trainer 4. Denise 5. speech therapist
    6. Chance 7.conjure 8. Pip Squeak 9. strangle 10. 12 11. rat 12. baseball bat 13. squeal 14. 6
    15. chase 16. flee 17. sunrise 18. sunset 19. Castle 20. writer 21. sweethearts


  7. Silly Beth! Tee he he.

    2.paranormal romance
    3.sanitation engineer
    19.Once Upon a Time

  8. 1. Helga
    2. Zombie Apocalypse
    3. brain surgeon
    4. Minerva
    5. toilet scrubber
    6. Hans
    7. gyrate
    8. Chief Little Butt
    9. flail
    10. seventeen
    11. bunny
    12. mold
    13. trip
    14. eleven
    15. pucker
    16. chug
    17. pineapple
    18. thong
    19. Big Bang Theory
    20. octopus
    21. margaritas

  9. 1. Elinor
    2. gothic
    3. gymnast
    4. Zelda
    5. waitress
    6. Waldo
    7. jump
    8. Ziggy
    9. sleep
    10. 12
    11. car
    12. horse
    13. cry
    14. 300
    15. pout
    16. serve
    17. house
    18. computer
    19. Threeโ€™s Company
    20. mouse (animal)
    21. balloons

    I hope I win!!!!

  10. Um, I haven’t seen “alien” come up anywhere yet…..Will that make it into your mad lib? Your hubby might like that. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  11. 1. Billie
    2. Romantic Comedy
    3. sky-diving instructor
    4. Adelaide
    5. Chef
    6. Dirk
    7. saunter
    8. Muffin
    9. discombobulate
    10. nineteen
    11. vomit
    12. smooch
    13. slap
    14. two
    15. snuggle
    16. wiggle
    17. pork chop
    18. lipstick
    19. White Collar
    20. parachute
    21. toes


  12. 1) Hazel
    2) Mystery
    3) Mail Carrier
    4) Natalie
    5) Scuba instructor
    6) Arthur
    7) sing
    8) Skipper
    9) ski
    10) five
    11) hat
    12) slipper
    13) hiccup
    14) four
    15) jump
    16) slap
    17) tree
    18) head
    19) Modern Family
    20) horse
    21) fingernails

  13. Beth – I have no idea why Skipper is smiling! (Seriously, what’s up with that???)

    Sorry to have missed your exciting “Book Cover” Day!!!!

    **CONGRATULATIONS, ** BIG TIME!!! I’m so happy for you, Beth!!

    Yea!!! Hurraaaaaaaayyyyyyy!!!! Woopeeeeeeeee!!!

  14. 1. Anastasia
    2. Rom com
    3. Commercial diver
    4. Eve
    5. Hand model
    6. Ian
    7. surf
    8. Pumpkin
    9. Hiccup
    10. one million
    11. wax
    12. chia pet
    13. eat
    14. zero
    15. frolic
    16. sweat
    17. confetti
    18. spider monkey
    19. Today show
    20. blueberry
    21. eyelashes

  15. 1. Andrea
    2. Steampunk
    3. mail carrier
    4. Mona
    5. Hostess
    6. Robert
    7. run
    8. Bob
    9. cry
    10. 2
    11. desk
    12. book
    13. scream
    14. 7
    15. tug
    16. fall
    17. floor
    18. car
    19. Daily Show with Jon Stewart
    20. shirt
    21 . purses

  16. Pingback: My Kind of Mad Lib Fun Contest Winner! » Beth Vogt: Christian Author, Speaker, Editor

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