“Wish You Were Here” fun!

Beth VogtContemporary Romance, Fun, Writing 22 Comments

There’s been a lot of celebrating going on around here lately — and it continues through June 6 with a blog tour hosted by the Litfuse Publicity Group. I am so impressed with how Amy Lathrop and Audra Jennings are spreading the word about Wish You Were Here. Here’s the information about the blog tour: Celebrate with me by entering the Wish You Were Here Giveaway!

One “happy” winner will receive:

  • A brand new iPad with Wi-Fi (The must-have, do-everything gadget!)
  • Wish You Were Here by Beth K. Vogt (Swoon worthy.)
  • $15 iTunes Gift Card (Music, books, apps, & more.)

Hurry, the giveaway ends on 6/4/12. The winner will be announced 6/6/12 on Beth’s website! Just click one of the icons below to enter! Tell your friends about the ย giveaway on FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. As a debut author, I appreciate you telling others about my novel. Thank you so much!

Enter via E-mail Enter via FacebookEnter via Twitter
**I’m visiting over at Lindsay Harrel’s blog today! I hope you drop by! **

Comments 22

  1. Hey Beth,
    Great party last night…except I never could get on the chat. But I still had fun listening to the four, no make that 5, of you. Loved Rel’s accent.

    1. Several people said they couldn’t get into the chat. But the 100+ people who did kept us busy typing so, so fast! It was a wonderfully fun time! And we had lots of people watching too. We are already talking about another go-round at some point.

  2. Great giveaway! I was so bummed that I had to miss last night’s soiree – I was at my end of the year MOPS Steering Team dinner. I did watch some of it on the replay after I came home – I love hearing and seeing people in real time, it gives a voice to your words for me now. Congrats on the success of the party last night and the buzz for your book! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. I’ve been a part of a MOPS Steering Team too, Gabrielle, so I understand the importance of those meetings. And I applaud you for being involved with such a vital ministry. Will you be at Convention? I’m speaking!

  3. Hi Beth, tried and tried to get into the soiree chat last night and couldn’t do it, no matter how many times I followed the instructions. It was still very enjoyable!

  4. Great fun last night, Beth! Glad to be able to celebrate with you and your cohorts!

    My hubby (who thinks his 5-yr-old cell phone is still the cat’s meow) walked in near the end, wondering what all the hooplah was about…and wondering where his dinner was (I’m in CA). Then he sat down and enjoyed the last 15 minutes with me!


    1. How fun that your husband joined the celebration. The Debs all had an after-party celebration. We were all a bit giddy online (well, offline to everyone else!)

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